google+ rolls out pages for businesses brands - interactive displays for business-ITATOUCH-img

google+ rolls out pages for businesses & brands - interactive displays for business

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-13
google+ rolls out pages for businesses & brands  -  interactive displays for business
Many companies were disappointed when Google launched and banned creating accounts specifically for businesses and brands.
Fortunately, today, Google is starting to launch Google pages to get them started to connect with customers and followers.
Take an example of a Google page and look at the puppet's page: you'll notice that you can go through the page and see how many fans they have and add them to your circle, and confirm that the page has been verified.
You can share pages on your own stream.
See all the differences on the Google support page. (
Bonus: puppets are hanging out at four o'clock P. M. PST today! )
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like anyone can create a Google page.
I found this out when I tried to click the "create Google page" button: But you can see what Google is trying to encourage in the background.
You can define whether your page is for a local business or a place, a product or a brand, a company or an institution.
You can also further classify in "art, entertainment or sports" or "other.
There is a message that encourages you to host parties, create circles, and ask people to 1 you.
You can get more advice from the AdWords blog.
According to Danny Sullivan, he was assured that everyone could create a Google page in the next two days.
There is also direct connection, which simplifies searching for brands and businesses in Google search.
Just go to Google, enter [+]
Symbols, and the brand you are looking.
For example, when you search for "Google", you are automatically taken to the Google brand page.
Currently, this option only works for a few pages, but there will be more.
In addition to Google brand pages, you can also focus on more Google pages, including Gmail, Google Chrome and Android.
You can check it all here.
The following is right
Google brand pages that are now up and running: have you found more excellent brand pages? (
By the way, there are 4 Facebook Google pages. 5 million happy.
How do you think Google pages will pile up? )
ETA: Google pages is now available.
Let's start here.
Don't forget to add wonderhow to in your circle!
Did you create one for your business?
Let us know in the comments.
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