hackers take control of pga servers and demand bitcoin ransom as the major golf tournament gets unde

hackers take control of pga servers and demand bitcoin ransom as the major golf tournament gets underway - digital signage software

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-04
hackers take control of pga servers and demand bitcoin ransom as the major golf tournament gets underway  -  digital signage software
Hackers have taken control of the PGA servers in the United States and demanded a bitcoin ransom payment within days before the start of the major golf tournament in St. Louis.
PGA officials are still trying to regain control of the computer server on Thursday, which makes it impossible for them to access the tournament's files.
Golfweek reported that the staff found that their system was broken on Tuesday and when trying to access the file, a message was generated that the network was hacked.
Hackers warn that any attempt to break encryption could result in the loss of files.
This message includes a Bitcoin wallet number that does not state the ransom they re-control the file.
These documents include promotional banners and logos used in digital and printed communications, as well as digital signage around the Bellerive Country Club.
Some of the work has been going on for a year and cannot be easily replicated, officials said.
Hackers are sent via an encrypted email address so that PGA officials can send two files to prove they are serious.
We have decryption software specifically for your situation.
The public did not have decryption software, they wrote.
A pga source said the organization had no plans to pay any ransom.
As of Wednesday afternoon, they had not regained control of the archives.
The PGA declined to comment, saying it was an ongoing investigation.
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