hardball with chris matthews, transcript 9/27/17 trump unhappy with price travel - whiteboard in classroom

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-25
hardball with chris matthews, transcript 9/27/17 trump unhappy with price travel  -  whiteboard in classroom
Display: HARDBALLDate: Guest on September 27, 2017: Courtesy, OLS, Anne Linskey, Ricardo Rossello, Chris Matthews, Asian light schlapps', host: Here is the judge.
Let's play hard ball. Good evening.
I'm Chris Matthews from Washington.
Donald Trump was face-to-face with his limits of political power last night.
In a Republican primary in Alabama,
President Trump has backed the candidate's opposition to Conservative inflammatory figures and has lost a lot of bets on the power candidates.
Last week, President Obama even personally traveled to Alabama to gather supporters for his candidate, Luther Strange.
He tweeted about his guy.
All the tweets were deleted today.
He is now enthusiastic about supporting Republican candidate Roy Moore. (
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US President Donald Trump: We have someone who will be a great senator.
I am very happy about this.
I talked to him last night.
I never saw him.
I never spoke to him.
I am very satisfied with him.
I have to say that Luther has been a long way from the time I supported him, he ran a wonderful game, but Roy ran a very good game, I know what they did to Mickey and they made great use of him during the campaign, but he worked hard and I'm sure things will be fine. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: So who is Roy Moore, and why are moderate Republicans afraid?
Moore, the former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, was twice removed from his post, and on one occasion refused to remove the monument to 10 Commandments from his court, it was then removed again for directing the state judge to ignore the Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage.
He has a history of inflammatory speech.
Wherever gay behavior is found, he supports the conviction. (
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Unidentified male: Do you think gay or gay behavior should be illegal today?
This is a yes or no question. ROY MOORE (R)
Senate candidate in Alabama: gay behavior should be illegal. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MATTHEWS: Well, he called homosexuality itself an inherent evil and hateful, immoral, hateful, violating the laws of nature and the crimes of the natural God.
He suggested that the attack of 9/11 people occurred because God was punishing what he said was abnormal behavior.
He was asked about it last night and he did not flinch. (
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Moore: I'm not God.
I don't know what God did. You know (INAUDIBLE)
It is the lack of morality in our country (ph)
The only foundation of these things and morals in this country is God (INAUDIBLE)
Logic and law. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: these things have been caused.
Anyway, Moore has supported the fertility campaign over the years-and of course he will question the legitimacy of President Obama. (
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Moore: I think they can ask political questions as they like, but if he's not born --
He is a born citizen and is not qualified as president.
I don't care who he is. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: Moore advocates stopping a Muslim elected official, Keith Ellison, from becoming a member of Congress just because of Muslims.
He mistakenly said that according to Islamic law, there are some communities in our country now.
He also attacked Islam as a whole. Here he goes. (
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Moore: The false religion that teaches you to have to worship like Islam is exactly the opposite of what our 1st Amendment stipulates. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MATTHEWS: Well, that person is likely to be the next American. S.
Senator from Alabama.
What does that mean for the Senate, the Republican Party, and President Trump?
Robert Costa of The Washington Post, Eli Stoke of The Wall Street Journal, and Anne Linsky of The Boston Globe also joined me.
We're going with Robert Costa.
What do we think about this, is Trump really confused by this, because someone will be on Trump's side?
Robert Costa, Washington Post, political analyst at MSNBC: The White House today rejected his idea that he was confused about the whole situation, but it was a political breakdown for President Trump.
This shows that he is not in full control of his core electorate, Republican voters, which is disturbing.
This makes many Republican senators in Congress uneasy about next year's chances when considering re-election.
MATTHEWS: Well, does that mean Trump-who now realizes he's in a taxi, not in an engine, he's following-responds to this populist, deep down in the South, like Alabama, hard right, alt-
Not entirely positive about diversity if you want, and of course not important for gay rights-the group that supports him-is he the leader of that group, or is it just the warehouse that they support, until they get more than he, like Judge Moore?
Costa: Alabama is not an example of those voters leaving President Trump.
He is still their leader in spirit, but he is not their director.
This is a very critical difference.
They didn't get a clue from the White House.
If you're a Republican on Capitol Hill and count on President Trump to be on your side, just like he's supporting Strange senators, he can't pull strange things across the finish line, and then you start thinking, maybe I should retire.
We saw that announcement yesterday by Senator Cork.
I have been told that others are also considering the same issue.
Matthews: I'm going to Anne linski.
Annie, you know, I'm looking at the Republican Party.
Is there a Republican?
There's Mitch McConnell.
He is there, but he seems to have nothing to do with the president.
The president would rather deal with his New York compatriot Chuck Schumer than have Chinese with him (INAUDIBLE)
Out of those little white boxes.
He's more comfortable with him than with this guy from Kentucky.
Because he can't pass anything, I don't know what else he does.
Health care failed again and again.
He is a defeated army. he is the general of that army. Trump now says, who else can I work?
I think I will work with the Democrats.
Oh, by the way, I will do a more democratic tax reform bill before I do the details.
Then I will try to solve the problem. right guy.
Yes, no . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)
Linski: It's such a divided party now.
And there are so many pieces.
I think, you know, of course, when you saw Steve Bannon come on stage last night to introduce Roy Moore, I thought-and then say, you know, this is the beginning of the revolution, this is a key part because one of the power centers is clearly Bannon, not necessarily Trump. MATTHEWS: Yes.
LINSKEY: then you have Mitch McConnell on the other side.
Matthews: would you prefer to support you in the depths of the South and in many parts of the country?
You 'd rather have Steve Bannon, alt-
Is it the hero and the strategist, or the president?
Looks like you 'd rather . . . . . . Yes.
Matthews: By the way, if I was really cruel, Eli, I would get a box score there, a big box score, and it would say-oh, we have(LAUGHTER)
Matthews: lift it up-Bannon 1, Trump 0.
It was the first time they fought each other, and Bannon won.
Everyone knows in this country. Trump`s lost.
Eli Stoke of The Wall Street Journal: Well, I think Trump knows that.
Bannon knows.
Bannon may not be on the whiteboard in the office because he doesn't want Trump to know about it.
I think . . . . . . Matthews: he doesn't have a whiteboard?
Stokes: Well, he's holding a whiteboard in the White House office, you know, all his stuff --do items on it.
But no, I think about whether Bannon or Trump officially approves (INAUDIBLE)
I mean, Roy Moore is basically the instigator of the Donald Trump style, with a lot . . . . . . Matthews: But I think he believes in these things.
Stoke :. . . . . . The same voters, no, that's right.
I think, you know, the question . . . . . . Matthews: his reaction
Gay attitudes towards the Old Testament-
He's the Old Testament version of Trump! STOKOLS: Right. Right.
I think he's . . . . . . CROSSTALK)
Matthews: fire and sulfur.
Linsky :. . . . . . Actually.
I mean, I think in terms of ideology, you can think of him as a bit closer to the penny.
I mean, he's somewhat conservative-he really believes in Trump's ideological flexibility, and we 've heard a lot.
Stokes: Well, you know, the reason Trump originally supported Strange was because he was easily manipulated.
He asked the advisers to bring in a negative comment from Mo Brooks about Trump in the primary, saying, well, I don't like that.
Who else can I support?
He didn't even know that Moore was out there and was likely to win, and he supported Strange.
So he put himself in this box.
But you basically heard him say today, well, you know, they used Mickey a lot there.
I was treated very well, but they used Mickey, just like Republicans used Nancy Pelosi against the Democrats in the general election.
It's not my fault, he said.
Apparently Trump makes it easier for them to use Mickey because of what he's doing . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)
You haven't done this yet, Mickey.
Mickey, it's your fault.
Matthews: Yes, they are racing against Mickey, just like they used to do with Bella Abzug, tipple O'Neill, or Teddy Kennedy.
This is a Republican.
Roy Moore has been a radical critic of Mitch McConnell.
In an interview with Breitbart, he said what his victory meant.
"I hope this sends another message to McConnell and the Senate Leadership Fund that they may be defeated and scared to run for a while.
One of his campaign ads came after McConnell.
Look at this baby. (
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They lied about abolishing the obama care.
Now Dr. Mitch McConnell. C.
The slime machine spends millions spreading lies about Roy Moore.
Drain the swamp.
Send a message to McConnell.
Send them a message. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MATTHEWS: Well, this is a strong voice in Alabama.
According to Politico, a fundraising e-
Mail tells supporters American judge Roy MooreS.
The Senate means the end of Mitch McConnell's rule as majority leader. To your point.
Well, I mean, it's a hard job.
I don't know who else would be willing to do that.
But the core group is changing.
Yesterday, Moore's victory in Alabama didn't just happen to you.
You have Bob Cork in the caucus, a firm moderate . . . . . . Matthews: A friend of Mitch McConnell.
Domols :. . . . . . Respected across the aisle. LINSKEY: Yes.
He decided to hang it up.
You also have other Republican challengers whose style is similar to that of Trump in Arizona and some other states, and are therefore encouraged.
So it's not just Alabama.
Alabama is the tip. LINSKEY: Yes…(CROSSTALK)
Matthews: three parts of the Republican Party.
The leadership is now shrinking and becoming useless.
There's the Trump crowd, and -- Republicans still vote for Trump in every vote we make.
But there's the part that wants to exit.
Charlie Dent from Lehai, Pennsylvania, Lehai ValleyINAUDIBLE)
Matthews: go away.
I think this part will grow. LINSKEY: Yes.
Matthews: I don't think many people like this. LINSKEY: Yes. And (INAUDIBLE)
He called himself a member of the Republican ruling party.
I mean, what they're showing is . . . . . . Matthews: no longer.
If you leave, you will no longer be in power.
Linski: You are no longer in power.
The party has not been able to govern so far.
I mean, the top seven. and-a-
In the half month of Trump's presidency, there has been little (if any) achievement)INAUDIBLE)
In addition, Luther straw is not a good candidate.
I think we just need to keep in mind here that this is another example of an agency installing a candidate that people think they don't like.
I think you're looking for trouble when you're in a situation like this, especially now.
Matthews: I'm going to Robert.
Robert, let's talk about how Trump won and where he might be in trouble.
He won not only because of T in Pennsylvania, the rural areas in the middle of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, he also won because he did a good job, certainly better than expected in the suburbs, Bucks County, or even Montgomery County, he certainly did a good job in the Lehai Valley and similar places.
Now, you can see Charlie Dent in Lee's Valley quitting.
What about the others, Fitzpatrick and Meehan and all of them-are these people a bit-and people from South Jersey-all a little nervous about their kissing cousin here?
Costa: they were not nervous when they heard the president talk about tax cuts today.
For them, this is a kind of restraint that they prefer to hear every day. MATTHEWS: Yes.
Costa: what makes them nervous is talking about the NFL over the weekend, knees and apartments, grievance politics, and the president's involvement in a cultural war.
This has upset suburban Republicans about their chances of re-election. they just don't believe the president can focus on his message and focus on it before 2018.
MATTHEWS: Well, one theory I 've heard that makes sense to me is that every time Trump decides to deal with Democrats, with Nancy, to keep the government running the solution, boring stuff like the debt ceiling, walking with DACA, which doesn't really offend the right in the suburbs-he always bounces the right in some crazy way-
Crazy cultural statement, whether it's the NFL or something-in other words, as I said last week, he fed them the circus and he basically fed them bread.
He pleased them with the tax and pragmatic things, the left and the center.
At the same time, he maintained the right wing, and his people also poured oil on the battle of culture.
Did you see that pattern? I do.
He mixed it up like a baseball pitcher.
He mixed it up, right-
Building cultural products with pragmatic transactions
Do it in the middle and left.
Costa: My sources tell me that there are strategies sometimes.
But, frankly, the president has often moved from controversy to controversy.
So when he uses his intuition to guide him and understand what his base wants, there is actually no consistent way to understand the many political strategies that the White House is about to introduce.
Matthews: Eli, the last word.
Is this strategic or accidental, God knows what it is?
I think Rob said it very well.
I mean, sometimes it's just a matter of impulsive control, but he knows he needs to keep the basics happy and there's a lot of these things . . . . . . Matthews: Circus.
Domols :. . . . . . Doing it.
He thinks-Our report is that he thinks the NFL controversy he caused is actually good for him.
This is the president of a divided country who believes it is good for his political interests.
MATTHEWS: Well, you have to get to Friday night on Highway 40 or something like that, in the bar, let the people on the stool tell us which way they will go-I think you may be right.
Anyway, I think I might know something about this anyway.
Robert Costa, Eli Stoke, Anne linski, Trio.
Next, the destruction of Puerto Rico is enormous, and unfortunately we all know now that the Trump administration has unfortunately rejected growing criticism.
But is it really enough?
Even Republicans are warning Hurricane Katrina.
It is not only a natural disaster, but also a political disaster.
We will talk to the governor of Puerto Rico next.
In addition, Roy Moore's victory in Alabama last night challenged what we know as the Republican Party, the existing Republican Party.
Trump helped create something right that he couldn't control.
The question now is whether Democrats can take advantage of the Republican dilemma on the right.
There's more bad news for health and human services minister Tom Price, who wants to take "Obama Care" with him ".
"Well, he met his friends on a private plane and had lunch with his son at the expense of the taxpayer.
In other words, money for health care.
He is just one of three members of Trump's Cabinet and is now defrauding American taxpayers from private jets.
Finally, let me finish tonight's show with the Trump watch.
He won't like it tonight.
This is a hard ball. where is the action. (
Business break)(
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We need gas.
We don't need hospitals to be death traps.
This is a big SOS. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: The mayor of San Juan was talking about the humanitarian crisis facing Puerto Rico and asked the United StatesS.
The government needs more help.
Today, President Trump said he was saddened by the Puerto Rican people and reiterated his plan to visit the island next Tuesday. (
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Trump: The situation in Puerto Rico is very difficult.
The place was just destroyed.
It's not a problem, let's dry the water and let's do it one way or another.
The place is flat.
This is a very difficult situation.
I feel sorry for the people. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: The Trump administration has also been criticized for not abandoning the Jones Act.
The bill requires ships to sail between the United States and the United States. S.
Ports are owned by Americans and created with Americans.
Anyway, after Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, the bill was abandoned, and critics say it is slowing down the assistance that Puerto Rico currently needs.
By the way, it is in sharp contrast to the British (INAUDIBLE)
The night before World War II, when they sent every ship or vessel to rescue their people in Dunkirk.
President Trump said today that the government is still considering the matter, but he is concerned about the shipping industry. Let`s hear it. (
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Trump: We have a lot of shippers and a lot of people, and a lot of people who work in the shipping industry who don't want to lift the Jones Act, and we have a lot of ships out there right now. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: The governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Rosello has joined me now.
Thank you, Governor.
You know the answer to each question, so let me ask you this question.
In general, it is the United States. S.
The Washington government is doing the job for Puerto Rico now?
Ricardo Rosello, governor of Puerto Rico: Well, yes.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Chris.
The answer is yes.
They are working hard.
We have communication, but you have to understand that this is a huge damage to our power grid, our energy grid is completely destroyed, and we are on an island.
So, you know, getting resources here has always been (INAUDIBLE)limiting step. (ph)
So we're trying, you know.
We serve food and water.
We are making sure that diesel is delivered to the people.
Here we are. INAUDIBLE)
To ensure that this happens and is done in cooperation with the federal government.
Matthews: Do you want the president to give up the Jones Act?
I think he should.
You know, if it's important in the long run, we can have a bigger discussion later on, but now we need everyone to do what they did in Irma. We had a one-week waiver.
I think we need all the boats that can come in.
I don't think that would hurt the industry, because frankly we just need all the people on the deck, and every ship that can supply the basic necessities, to come to Puerto Rico.
Matthews: Yesterday, President Trump boasted that you have repeatedly praised him for his handling of the recovery effort.
Let's listen to the president. (
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Trump: The governor and others are treating us very, very well.
They know how hard we work and how well we do it.
As Governor Ross Lo just told me this morning, the entire federal workforce has done a good job in Puerto Rico, and I appreciate his statement, which he says to anyone willing to listen.
The governor said we did a good job.
In fact, he especially thanked me and all the first responders in Puerto Rico.
We got a lot of comments from government officials. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Is this all true, governor?
Are you on the same page as the president?
Yes, the president has always been diligent.
He basically talks to me every day.
We gave a positive response to each of his petitions.
Twice in advance.
Emergency statement landing
When the hurricane passed through Puerto Rico, he verbally declared Puerto Rico a disaster area through my petition.
He's free of charge.
Now, you know, recently, we asked him for more resources.
They're coming.
But I want to say, Chris, this is what the state government is helping us.
Governor Cuomo is helping.
Governor Baker of Massachusetts is also helping Governor Hogan, Governor Scott and Governor mclev.
Many people are helping and investing in resources.
But the president was very diligent and answered our request.
Now, we just need to recognize that the human resources we need on our island need to get here as soon as possible.
Matthews: Thank you very much, Governor Ricardo roslow.
God bless Puerto Rico, sir.
Next, Senator Bob Cork is the latest moderate Republican to export.
Is quitting now the only way the Republicans are showing rebellion?
The next debate will be held here.
This is where the action is, the hard ball. (
Business break)(
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US President donald trump: I am honored to be with many of your modernday leaders.
We're all together tonight-I hope you can help him because he's on our side.
Take care of our people, right? (
Cheers and applause)
Trump: He has a lot of power over the people of Kentucky.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnellWhere is he?
Come on, Mitch. Is everything okay?
Does it look healthy? Good. Thanks, Mitch. (END VIDEO CLIP)(LAUGHTER)
Matthews: health care looks great.
Anyway, welcome back to the hard ball.
What's the difference between half? a-year makes.
This is President Trump again praising Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Today, after a day of losing his candidate, Luther stranche, President Trump fought ste for a series of failures, only when he works with the Democratic House majority or Minority party leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority party leader Chuck Schumer will his victory appear, one speaks his language, new Yorkers who ate Chinese with him.
Anyway, according to Axios, the president publicly vented his displeasure at the failed Republican leadership in the Senate, teasing Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator John McCain.
So, in private, he's laughing at these guys.
According to Politico, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell privately admitted that Roy Moore's victory last night would trigger bids from insurgents across the country.
It was a painful defeat for Senator McConnell, just hours after one of his close allies, Senator Bob Cork of Tennessee, announced that he would not be eligible for re-election next year.
Yesterday seemed to highlight the growing divisions between the Republican establishment and the populist faction represented by the president's own election.
So, who is the Republican Party in 2017?
What's more, the president of the conservative Union of America, Matt Schlapp, with me, he had dinner with Trump on Monday night-and we heard that-David Corn, Monday night, he didn't have dinner with the president, the director of "Mother Jones" in Washington and political analyst at MSNBC.
Well, no . . . . . . What is the feeling of David Corn, political analyst at MSNBC: I can't do it.
I can't come, Chris.
Matthews: I know.
Too bad, you have to reply.
Matt, what is the president . . . . . . Matt Schlapp, former White House political affairs director: I 'd like to see, though.
It will be a pleasure.
MATTHEWS: Well, you can arrange it in there.
Let me ask you about the president and accept this buffer because, in my opinion, he put his name on the odd ballot.
By the way, there is a strange name, Luther stranci.
But no success.
The other man, a wild man, a wild man, hated-as far as our Constitution is concerned, things about homosexuality are very much out of line with what we are explaining now, however, it doesn't seem to bother Trump.
He turned 180 today: He's my guy, this guy Moore.
Yes, I'm not surprised.
In fact, I think Trump is actually weird with Luther because he is a incumbent, although he is only appointed.
He voted for the Trump agenda.
They held the primary election on who was closest to Trump.
Roy Moore certainly did not try to have any separation from Trump.
Trump wants a reliable vote in the Senate, and he will support the Republican Party.
This should not be shocking.
Matthews: But a week or two ago, we said Roy Moore was a wild man.
He was the one who received Ten Commandments in court.
SCHLAPP: he didn't go after Roy Moore if you noticed.
Matthews: you don't understand what I mean.
Your Republican caucus in the US Senate-it's not a weird state senator.
He's in the U. S. Senate.
His name is Roy Moore. SCHLAPP: Right. CORN: Yes.
Matthews: he was kicked out of the bench twice because he did not obey the Constitution.
I think it's a problem. (LAUGHTER)
Matthews: is he going to swear on the Constitution?
He is definitely.
He must do so, or he will not sit down.
Matthews: what does that mean?
He does not allow his current interpretation to affect him.
Boy, I think you're in trouble here. David?
Shlapp: I'm not getting in the way.
I just want to say that voters are like choosing Judge Roy Moore.
The president stood behind the Republicans.
We will have another election.
I think Roy Moore will be the next senator.
Corn: Republican voters in Alabama choose Roy Moore, the way Republican voters choose Donald Trump.
They will choose some of the more extreme and unstable candidates offered by the party.
They are against the ruling Republicans, anyone who has real experience with the job.
Look, Roy Moore not only compares homosexuality to befriend.
He's not just against it.
He called it animal.
We just put that clip on mom Jones.
But he also says Islamic law exists in Indiana and Illinois.
That means he's really not that smart.
But he was chosen by Republican primary voters.
This shows that the party is still under the control of the Tea Party frenzy, and they turn to the extremists who want to destroy and destroy, who do not show experience or ability.
SCHLAPP: Well, let me tell you, in terms of the Tea Party movement, they are concerned about the Constitution, and I think we all think it's a good thing.
As far as the ruling majority is concerned, it's a big deal, and that's the issue with Mitch McConnell and the other leaders, and I respect them in Congress, the foundation of the Republican party feels that they are not actually managing and completing it.
If they do these things like repeal and replace-we'll see what happens to the tax.
I am optimistic, but if they fail to do so, they will not be in power in this situation.
They won a majority, but that's not the case.
Our party and our party have great problems with the fact that they do not implement it. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: Do you know how you play music chairs when you go to elementary school and everyone loses their seats? SCHLAPP: Yes.
Matthews: It's like your party is losing seats for the moderate.
Like Charlie Dent from Pennsylvania just quit.
Bob Cork just sat down.
But people, we have not lost. CROSSTALK)
Matthews: these guys, they're not feeling well at the party anymore.
They are not feeling well. they are not feeling well. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: No, just a minute.
All of a sudden, people like Roy Moore feel comfortable.
He's a member of the Republican Party.
These other guys don't feel like they are.
So the moderate or the people we used to call mainstream Republicans are resigning.
The wild man is on board. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: Will you defend it as a political action?
SCHLAPP: To be fair, I will tell you that I think the Republicans are going to the right, and I think the Democrats, with the sharp voice of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, are moving to the left.
I think we 've seen a reduction in the power of these parties, and the sharp voice is taking over a sharp voice like yours. (CROSSTALK)
Corn: you'll see Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actually trying to govern and find out where they can convince the president-not just the president, but the other . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)
SCHLAPP: Well, that also gives Trump credit.
That also gives credit to Trump.
Corn: Yes, but they made the deal.
They stood up.
We can see this in the infrastructure.
We will not see it in tax reform, because tax reform will be very bad for people in low-and middle-income classes.
They do not pay income tax.
The problem, though, is that many Republicans do not want to govern.
They want destruction and destruction.
They want to come here.
They don't want to-they have no plans.
They don't have a health care plan.
They want to get rid of everything there. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: make a statement on how the working people do not pay taxes. Say that again.
Just go ahead. (CROSSTALK)
50% of Americans pay income tax, Chris;
50% of Americans do not.
That's not my number. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: they pay sales tax.
They pay payroll taxes. (CROSSTALK)
SCHLAPP: Look, we don't want to be stuck here, but many of them actually get kickbacks in terms of income tax.
So don't say the poor are paying income tax.
But the second question is, if you want to say . . . . . . Matthews: pay the property tax.
Don't tell me that the working people in this country don't pay taxes. (CROSSTALK)
I'm talking about income tax.
They do not pay income tax.
I paid for them-I did for-I was low --tax guy here.
So I win this argument every time. (CROSSTALK)
SCHLAPP: but the truth is that if Schumer and Pelosi are honored for trying to govern, Trump will fall into this mess.
You have to give all the honor because they are trying to govern.
You can't just say, oh, it's just Democrats trying to get over the aisle. (CROSSTALK)
How did Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan try?
The problem with them is that they don't look like . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)
Corn: you can't eat both ways.
In order to meet the basic wishes of the Republican Party and then work with the Democratic Party, they cannot be extreme. (CROSSTALK)
Shlapp: Don't worry.
They don't meet it. (CROSSTALK)
Corn: because they are working with the Democrats at any time, they are trying to work with Obama. CROSSTALK)
Matthews: would we be better off if we never had Obamacare?
Yes, I think we . . . . . . Matthews: No, we 'd better not do anything? SCHLAPP: No. (CROSSTALK)
Let me finish. Can I answer? (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: No, you can say it in your way, but you can't if you want.
I will answer.
I think we'll be better off on these big rights issues, just like your old boss and Ronald Reagan, it's done in a bipartisan way. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: this question.
The problem is . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)
Yes, we have a better life without it.
We will live better without it.
Matthews: Oh, in other words, we 'd better abolish it?
Corn: nothing.
MATTHEWS: Well, you can't get the bill.
How big is this government, you see?
Nothing? That is absurd. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: they can't get a vote to repeal Obamacare because they know it's better than what we have. That`s…(CROSSTALK)
Corn: they don't want to go back to the pre-existing conditions and all of that.
SCHLAPP: I'll say on your TV show that this country would be better if Obamacare never passed.
There are a lot of Democrats . . . . . . (CROSSTALK)CORN: No.
Matthews: See if you can get 51 senators.
Anyway, thank you, Matt Schlapp, for speaking on behalf of a few of the Republicans.
Thank you, David Cohen, for speaking on behalf of many of the Democrats.
Next: The latest news from the Russian investigation, new reports said that these Kremlin-
Facebook ads promote Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, all to split Clinton's vote.
We're going to talk to a member of the Intel Committee in the House to explain why Russians are pushing Jill Stein, by the way, if you remember that picture, he's at the table over there with Michael Flynn.
This is a hard ball. where is the action. (
Business break)
Milissa rehberger, MSNBC reporter: I'm Milissa Rehberger.
This is what is happening.
President Trump announced the Republican tax plan in Indiana, calling itin-a-
Create opportunities.
Corporate and personal taxes will be cut and the scope of taxes will be consolidated.
It is unclear how Republicans will pay for these cuts.
According to his lawyer, Rick pittino, basketball coach at the University of Illinois, has actually been fired.
This is part of a federal investigation into the NCAA bribery program, where coaches are allegedly directing athletes to certain managers and schools with cash.
Today, a driver trapped by a flood was rescued in the city of orrama.
There is only one small guardrail in the SUV.
The woman was safely delivered by emergency workers.
No one was hurt and now back to the hard ball.
Matthews: Welcome back to hard ball.
President Trump is Russia who squandered the report.
Sponsored an advertising campaign on Facebook during the 16-year election.
He now says the social media company is actually against him, suggesting that Facebook is also colluding with other media, citing "Facebook is always againstTrump.
The internet is always counterTrump.
So fake news.
The New York Times and The Washington Post are always againstTrump. Collusion?
"Well, that's because Politico reports that some Russians
Sponsored ads on Facebook are designed to get the left out of Hillary Clinton's support. wing voters.
Some support Bernie Sanders and his platform, even after his presidential campaign.
In addition, Jill Stein is a beneficiary of at least one Russian.
He bought political advertising, according to a person familiar with the matter.
It said, "choose peace and vote for Jill Stein.
Believe me, this is not a wasted vote.
Later tonight, the Capitol reported that the Senate Intelligence Committee invited Facebook to testify at a public hearing.
NBC News also reported that Twitter's representative will meet with the two intelligence committees tomorrow.
California Democratic congressman Eric svalwell joined me as a member of the Intel Committee in the house.
Congressman, I'm at a loss because I'm looking at the numbers in the last campaign that show how minority candidate Jill Stein, who has only a few votes, has an impact in states like Michigan, she got 51,000 votes.
The gap between Hillary Clinton and Trump is 11,000, five times the number of votes she received from the previous battle between the two.
She got 31,000 votes in Wisconsin.
Trump won 21,000.
So if there's a condoning here, a strategy to disrupt Hillary's election by dividing the left and middle votes, it works.
My question to you is, when they write down the history of this movement, will they write down that it is decisive for Russia to participate in the division and conquest of the progressive side of the political sphere? REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D)
Good evening, Chris.
It is also important to note the complexity here.
The tag on the post you just read says, "Grow a spine and vote for Jill Stein.
This is an idiom, growing a rotation.
Idioms are often lost in translation, which makes you wonder if they are helpful here.
The smartest political scientist in Russia may not understand how to use the United States. S. idioms to U. S. voters.
So I don't think they just promoted Donald Trump to overthrow Hillary Clinton.
They tried to alienate possible Clinton voters and strip them out.
This is what we want to understand.
Matthews: Do you know there is any technology that allows us to prove what you just said, or find out there about how Facebook is used, how smart Intel is on the ground? As you suggest, knowing things like idioms, how does it all work together in terms of collusion?
How do you prove such a thing? SWALWELL: Yes.
OK, one way we can do this is to look at AD A, Jill Stein ad funded by Russians, if there is A similar or identical ad funded by another foreign entity or US companyS. person.
You might think they work together to some extent, but use the cut-out to post it, as $150,000 seems to be a relatively low amount.
The Russian way is to use the cuts and other sources of funding.
So you can do the diagnosis by pixel analysis.
It takes a bit of time, but it's a way to do it better.
Matthews: Let's take a look at what we're a little bit ignoring.
I agree that I am one of those who has been ignored.
I ignored it.
Look at Jill Stein sitting with Putin.
I mean, Michael Flynn is there, too.
He's on the left.
Putin in the middle
Jill Stein sat down.
They all dressed up comfortably for a great dinner in Moscow with the heads of the Russian government.
What do you think of this courtship?
You can call it courtship, bring her there, send her a meal, and then promote her through Facebook. Well, they did. SWALWELL: Yes.
To be frank, Chris, I would love to hear from Jill Stein about why she was at that dinner and whether she has followed up with any Russians.
This is also helpful for our investigation, as we now know that Russians are trying to use her candidacy to overthrow or deprive Hillary Clinton of votes.
MATTHEWS: Well, I can't get her to the hard ball, but I think Putin knows how to get the big ball.
He brought her over there.
I can't get here in Washington.
She's a hard person-I can't even get Gary Johnson here, he doesn't know any world leaders.
He can't name a world leader.
But she won't even come to the show, but she doesn't mind being with him.
It's an interesting thing that the Russians are sophisticated enough to split the progressive side of the political field and damage Hillary Clinton, the progressive side that could have won.
Thank you very much, AmericaS.
California Congressman Eric Swalwell served on the Intel Committee.
My pleasure.
Matthews: Next, did this drain the swamp?
Tom Price, Minister of Health and Human Services, was attacked for taking up taxpayers
He funded a private jet when he could take a regular commercial flight.
It was reported that for the same reason he was not the only Cabinet member to be dismissed and he abused the system.
Next is the Round Table.
These people should be cleaning up the swamp.
They swim in it.
You're watching the ball. (
Business break)(
Start Video Editing)
US President Donald Trump: I will tell you personally that I am not satisfied with this.
I'm not happy about it.
I'm going to see it.
I'm not happy. I let him know. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: he is not satisfied with it.
He will tell him.
Welcome back to the hard ball.
President Trump made this clear when commenting on health and public service minister Tom Price's use of private jets for official business.
Taxpayers have paid more than $400,000 since May.
Well, "Politico" reports that prices usually combine business and happiness, not government offers.
In August, private jets were funded to St.
Simon's island is the only resort in Georgia where he and his wife own land.
A day and a half ago, he spoke to a group of local doctors at a medical conference.
In addition, HHS rented a jet to fly to Nashville in June 6, where he owned an apartment and where his son lived.
Price visited a pharmacy and spoke with a local health summit organized by a longtime friend.
He also had lunch with his son.
Well, the inspector general of HHS is reviewing these costs, and now, the president says he's also looking at the prices. Let`s watch. (
Start Video Editing)REPORTER: Mr.
President, do you still have confidence in minister price?
Trump: I will see-I am following this very closely.
I am not satisfied with him.
I tell you, I'm not happy with him.
Reporter: Is it possible for you to fire him?
Will you fire him, sir?
We will see. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Let's take a look.
Did you hear that?
Price is one of three members of Trump's cabinet facing air travel problems.
Let's bring the hard ball round table.
Democratic pollsters, political analyst at MSNBC, Cornell Belcher, also a political journalist for The Daily Beast, John Feehery, a Republican strategist.
John, how did you do this?
You can say it's a little potato, but it's something that most people relate.
Republican strategist John Fisher: First of all, if Tom Price passes Obamacare, they should be in a better position.
Second, it reminds me of David Watkins, remembering him that he was fired in the Clinton administration because he was in a helicopter ride with the golf club.
It's not good for you whenever you embarrass your boss in this way, especially when your boss is not sure about you.
David Watkins was fired, which caused a big problem for the Clinton administration in 1994.
This is a problem for the president.
Matthews: Bessie, I was thinking about ordinary people who travel occasionally, and they thought it was a real luxury.
They sat down in 28 days and they wanted to know, why is this person flying at his own expense?
Because the money should be spent on health care, not on his travel plans.
The beast of the day, Betsy Woodruff: That's right.
I think the optical principle of this particular narrative is something that is really harmful to the price.
Of course, Matthews: We don't even see it. (CROSSTALK)
WOODRUFF: That's right.
We all know how the plane works.
Everyone is familiar with it. private planes are a little better than other planes.
I mean, I don't know. I would assume.
Matthews: you have your own flight attendant, no one is bothering you, there is enough air to breathe, and usually, you know, there are a lot of delicious cupcakes and stuff to eat on the plane.
WOODRUFF: That sounds good. Yes.
Ordinary people can understand that this seems to be a special privilege for Tom Price. (CROSSTALK)
Matthews: I'm sorry to interrupt you, but, Cornell, he's not talking about a private flight to somewhere in the city of oclach. Philly.
Cornell Belcher, political analyst at MSNBC: Yes.
Matthews: he can take the train.
Biden goes to Delaware by train every night.
I mean, it's not a big distance.
You walk to Union Station where you can take Uber and get on the train in an hour and a half.
Is there any problem?
Belcher: I think it's really a problem for someone who comes in and talks about draining the swamp, right?
I think it's such an easy picture for Americans, and when they think about what's wrong with Washington, big fat cats, in a limo, smoking cigars, doing hard balls on a private plane, right?
This goes against his brand, right?
His brand is that I'm going to run out of the swamp, and I'm going to support-the populist of a few people, which is actually an important story for Democrats, because it undermines the foundation of the Donald Trump brand, he's talking about draining the swamp, and he's actually filling the swamp with billionaires.
Matthews: Let me fill the rest of this dance card.
It's not just the price that he's reviewed for his expensive travel habits.
The EPA inspector general is reviewing the costs of EPA director Scott Pruitt's frequent trips to the city of orkama, and the Treasury Department is investigating Minister Steve Mnuchin's use of a $25,000 military aircraft to fly from New York to Washington.
How Mnuchin defended the trip. (
Start Video Editing)
Treasury Secretary Steven MNUCHIN: Let me say that the inspector general is reviewing my trip.
I look forward to this review.
I'm comfortable and we 've had our legal counsel review everything, but if their advice is adopted, it's the first.
Second, it doesn't cost $25,000 an hour, but it costs a lot of money.
Thirdly, as I said, sometimes I need security communications to keep in touch with the president, the National Security Council, and that's why. (END VIDEO CLIP)
Matthews: He said Bessie was satisfied with the discussion. His flight (ph), of course. WOODRUFF: Yes.
Matthews: he did not mention it.
I hear people sound a little more comfortable than Secretary Mnuchin sounds in that clip.
This is part of a problem for Republicans, and the widespread problem of cabinet ministers taking private flights is a problem, because one of the main criticisms of Obama by congressional Republicans during the previous administration was government waste.
This is something Republicans like to talk about.
They like to talk about consumption.
They like to pick individual projects and suggest that these expenditures are the reason we have Treasury bonds.
But now Republicans are in power and suddenly think, oh, maybe it's a private or military plane from New York to Washington. C.
It will be good. The table is a little turned.
Matthews: That's why we have a problem with the government because Democrats don't mind spending money.
They don't mind.
They don't mind spending money, I have to tell you. (LAUGHTER)
Matthews: I worked with them.
I know they like to spend money.
They like taxes. It`s a fact.
Republicans do not want to do such a thing.
People usually trust Republicans more.
Better than Democrats.
They think they are usually nervous. fisted.
That's no use.
This is not necessarily the case.
I mean, if you look at where the deficit is exploding, Chris, under the leadership of the Republicans, the deficit is exploding.
Matthews: but it will explode when we are in recession.
It was the time of the explosion. (LAUGHTER)
FEEHERY: Well, you know, you can explain that because the schedule is very busy, they have a lot of places to go and it can be painful to have trouble with the business.
Still, Republicans don't like taxpayers wasting money.
Matthews: Trump doesn't like it.
He 'd better put that guy's ass in that camera.
He was photographed by the camera and he knew it was wrong to defend the guy.
FEEHERY: It's a problem for those cabinet secretaries, and Trump doesn't have much patience with these things.
Matthews: or loyalty.
FEEHERY: What happened to Steve Bannon?
Bannon led the president and he was fired.
If you walk in front of the president or embarrass him, you will be fired.
It's not just-and it's not just President Trump.
This happened to many presidents.
Matthews: Bannon or Trump, who won the battle?
You know, I think it's Bannon now.
Matthews: OK, thank you.
We still have a box before.
Bannon is beating Trump
I think Trump is still the winner.
I think they're still on the same side.
Matthews: Are you pousssnow?
Feixi: under the leadership of this President, I support this country to do better.
WOODRUFF: you're not running for office.
You don't have to-Matthews: The Round Table is with us. That`s well-
Said our friend John Fisher.
This is a hard ball. where is the action. (
Business interruption)
Matthews: when we get back, the hard ball round table will tell me three things I don't know. (
Business break)
Matthews: We went back to the hard ball round table.
Cornell told me something I don't know.
Belcher: You know, there's a lot of data coming out right now, especially for minority voters.
We recently conducted a poll of ethnic minority voters.
In 2008, 2012, Africa-
Americans are most likely voters, especially African-Americans. American woman.
If you look at the current data, there are a lot of problems in the party, will we see a return to pre-
Obama and the era of minority voting and youth voting.
If we do this, it's a real problem for Democrats.
Matthews: Who is the vote for black women?
Is it Elizabeth Warren or Bernie?
They're all fighting for it now.
I think it's Harris or Booker.
Matthews: new. BELCHER: Yes.
Matthews: continue, Bessie.
WOODRUFF: this is the most dangerous week to be a senior White House clerk, as reports say Bob Mueller and his team will start questioning some of President Trump's core circles this week for the next few weeks
This is dangerous because, according to my report, we can look forward to having a FBI agent in the room for these interviews, this means that anyone on the Miller list has intentionally misled the prosecutor who investigated them, a felony.
This is illegal.
John Fisher?
Fisher: Martha Blackburn will replace Bob Cork in the Tennessee Senate.
Matthews: she will win.
She will run and win.
She will also unite the two parties of the party. She`s pro-Trump and pro-establishment.
MATTHEWS: Well, she plays a lot.
So it's good for all of us.
In any case, Cornell Belcher, Betsy Woodruff, and John Fisher.
When we get back, let me finish with the Trump watch tonight.
He won't like it.
You're watching the ball. (
Business break)
Matthews: watch Trump, Wednesday, September 27, 2017.
Is Donald Trump driving the engine of this angry train or is it just sitting in a taxi?
The answer to this question was from Alabama last night.
Voters there, voters who gave Trump a lot of votes in last November, just gave his candidate a cheer. Why?
For the same reason they supported Trump last year.
They found someone with the same reaction.
Washington, reverse
Build, reverse
The way things are done is the brand, even more so.
Roy Moore, a judge, ignored the Supreme Court on every issue he dealt.
The court wanted to ban the Ten Commandments from standing in his court.
Justice Moore wants to ban gay people from entering free places.
No wonder someone said Trump went to bed last night and was embarrassed and angry.
He was defeated by a man who was less politically trained than he was.
Even Donald Trump did not dare to claim that he was guided by 24/7 of the Ten Commandments.
Even Donald won't run against sodomy, though he did talk here about his desire to find some form of punishment, actually like that sentence, for anyone who has an abortion.
But with Roy Moore, Donald J. Moore
Trump is face-to-face with his own Old Testament version, a pastor of fire and sulfur to match his reality TV number.
Well, it's hard ball now.
Thank you for being with us.
"Everything about Chris Hayes" is starting now.
This is a report card in a hurry.
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