how do you organize your time when the kids are in school - whiteboard in classroom-ITATOUCH-img

how do you organize your time when the kids are in school? - whiteboard in classroom

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-25
how do you organize your time when the kids are in school?  -  whiteboard in classroom
I recently read an article on the Internet saying that the beginning of the school year is "the new year for mothers ".
"I think it's a proper title because it does feel like the beginning of the new year now that my kids are back at school.
For those of us who run the business, the months before Christmas are also the time to dig and sell again.
So how do we get back on track after the crazy summer? Here are a few ideas.
Planning is my favorite stage of organization.
I started brainstorming about what God will bring to me in the coming weeks and months.
One of my best plans is to talk about things with a friend of a colleague who is willing to listen and give ideas.
I know other business owners who put whiteboards in their offices.
On the board, they list their dreams of the business, the steps of action they can take, and sometimes even the timeline of when each step needs to be completed.
Write it down I have learned over the years that my plan will never make any progress unless I write it down and give them a schedule.
This can be done online through tools such as Google Calendar, Google Drive (
Previous Google Docs)
Or collaboration tools like PBWorks.
When I use these tools, I find that the good old paper planner works best for me.
I bought one at Target's dollar section at the beginning of each year and used it to keep the appointment going.
I use the monthly plan because I can see the whole month at a glance, which makes me avoid overbooking myself.
It also has a place to keep notes in the sidebar, and it comes in handy if I need to remember something specific in a month.
The planner put it in my wallet so I can easily take it out and add a new appointment no matter where I am.
Keep a list of love.
I have a bunch of small pieces of paper and notebooks filled with a list of things I use to keep track of the projects I want to complete and what I need to do.
Unfortunately, a pile of paper can't help me with the task.
I found that having a big notebook-the one with partitions-is the easiest way to track my list.
Every major project I'm working on has a section.
I can then keep the list of regular tasks (
Sometimes a daily list, sometimes a weekly one)
Posted on the front page of each project section.
Once these tasks are done, I simply remove the sticky notes, list a new task list, and stick to where the other task is located.
This keeps me focused and I'm happy to cross each task out of the list.
Don't forget the one thing I often forget to do in my free time is to arrange the time in time.
I find that I have to finish things as planned, but part of the reason I work from home and run my own business is the flexibility.
So every few weeks I try to step back and only spend an hour or two for me.
I'm not even talking about having lunch with friends-I'm talking about taking the time to do something for you.
Go for a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy it.
Take an hour or so to read the book you have been eager to read.
Or just sit outside and enjoy the creation of God.
There are many ways to organize your days, depending on your personality and lifestyle.
Try something different until you find something that suits you.
Most importantly, stay grateful and enjoy what you do.
About the Author: Jill Hart started her career as a teenager when she spent a summer with her father who runs her own business.
When he asked her to take charge of a Coke machine and let her keep the profit, she saw the benefit of being her own boss.
She is the founder of the Christian work of the family department (CWAHM. com)and the co-
So you want to be the author of a workat-Home Mom.
Jill published articles In Touch magazine, P31 women's magazine, and focused on the thriving family of the family on websites such as DrLaura. com.
She spoke to audiences across the country about beliefs and business topics.
Learn more about Jill at JillHart.
And get in touch with her on Facebook.
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