how to clean a promethean board - electronic board for teaching-ITATOUCH-img

how to clean a promethean board - electronic board for teaching

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-15
how to clean a promethean board  -  electronic board for teaching
Promethean board is an interactive whiteboard for teaching.
Dry erase marks should be used only on the board.
After each lesson, dry erase ink should be removed from the board.
If the board is not in use, it should be cleaned regularly to remove dirt and dust build-ups on the board.
If a permanent mark or sharpie is used accidentally on the board, please try to clean it up as soon as possible.
The longer it takes on the board, the harder it will be to remove it.
It may take several attempts to clear all permanent ink.
Wet a piece of soft cloth in cool running water.
Squeeze to remove excess moisture.
Wipe the Promethean board to remove dirt, dust and residue.
A small amount of non-
Bleach the home liquid cleaner on a soft cloth.
Rub the excess residue onto the plate.
Wipe the board with clear water-
A damp cloth that removes soap residue.
Let the boards dry.
Use a dry erase board towel or a dry erase board wet wipe to wipe the dry erase mark on the board.
A small amount of non-
Bleach the home liquid cleaner on a soft cloth.
Rub the excess residue onto the plate.
Wipe the board with clear water-
A damp cloth that removes soap residue.
Let the boards dry.
Spray Dry erase plate spray cleaner on permanent mark.
Let it work in ink for five minutes. Use a water-
Wipe the wet cloth of ink.
Repeat as needed until all permanent ink is removed.
A small amount of non-
Bleach the home liquid cleaner on a soft cloth.
Rub the excess residue onto the plate.
Wipe the board with clear water-
A damp cloth that removes soap residue.
Let the boards dry.
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