internet is your blackboard - classroom board-ITATOUCH-img

internet is your blackboard - classroom board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-27
internet is your blackboard  -  classroom board
Academic has become a digital enterprise.
From the prescribed syllabus to the class notes can now be found online.
That's what I did when I was studying for my bachelor's degree at Delhi University.
But when I joined the Paris Institute of International Affairs, to what extent technology took over the western classroom (PSIA)
French Science Po, my master's degree in human rights and humanitarian action.
I found there that the PowerPoint presentation was considered a necessary condition for teaching all the lectures.
But compared to operating some devices in the classroom, PPTs are children's games, including projectors and screens.
When I tried to operate the touchscreen classroom board on campus, I struggled for a while and stumbled.
Interestingly, an American professor also often cursed the touch screen board . . . . . . Especially when he accidentally presses a certain button or other button, the content written on the board is always lost.
Another professor spent a whole page on his personal website to mimic PPTs.
One can safely conclude that it is controversial for professors and students to quickly transform luxurious Western classrooms into gadget stores.
Nevertheless, I am very pleased to realize that the extra money does not have to be spent on expensive course textbooks.
Don't carry heavy textbooks all day long, just take the weight of your laptop.
This is an obvious advantage given how many people in Europe walk and use public transport.
The diversity of reading materials provided mainly through technology marks an important difference between European higher education methods and Indian higher education methods.
Emphasizing the continuous use of resources in both traditional and digital forms to broaden their horizons is significantly different from the spoon --
In the Indian education system, people are used to the feeding culture where it is normal to memorize prescription textbooks.
Internet access and Wi-
Fi connectivity is a necessary facility in all places on the Science Po campus where academic resources are readily available.
While libraries remain an important source of information and an indispensable area of investment, online catalogues that provide research papers and articles around the world are also seen as indispensable.
Even older professors, gadgets found by chance in the classroom, provide their students with a lengthy reading list of numbers and traditional resources.
This emphasizes the basic motto of Western universities, that is, the more you read and discover yourself, the more you grow as a scholar and individual.
This is the case at Sciences Po, because I have a lot more knowledge of the unique areas I am good at and grow into someone who can take on a lot of academic tasks alone.
Ankitha Cheerakathil graduated from the Paris Science Po with a master's degree in human rights and humanitarian action in 2016.
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