investigators say voice recording from egyptair crash intact - electronic board-ITATOUCH-img

investigators say voice recording from egyptair crash intact - electronic board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-08
investigators say voice recording from egyptair crash intact  -  electronic board
Egyptian investigators said on Saturday that despite the damage to the black box, they could still access the cockpit recordings of the crashed Egyptian airline flight.
"No storage chip for an electronic board is damaged," the Egyptian who participated in the inspection of the device in France said in a statement, adding that only some connecting components need to be replaced.
"The test results are satisfactory because (they)
"The Read of the CVR memory unit recorder is enabled," they added . ".
Egyptians now plan to bring the tape recorder to Cairo for further analysis.
On May 19, a flight from Paris to Cairo crashed into the Mediterranean Sea, killing all 66 people on board.
The pilot did not send a distress signal and no militant group claimed to have shot down the plane.
Flight data recorders showed smoke in toilets and onboard equipment, and investigators said they found heat damage to some of the debris found last month from the Mediterranean Sea.
Most of the debris is thought to be at a depth of about 3,000 (9,800 feet).
The deep sea search team is still trying to find and retrieve human remains.
The French authorities began an investigation into manslaughter on Monday, but said there was no evidence that the accident was related to terrorism.
Egyptian Airlines Flight 804 disappeared from the radar at about 2: 45 a. m. m.
Local time between Greek Crete and the coast of Egypt.
Radar data show that the aircraft has been cruising normally in the clear sky until 90 degrees on the left turn, and then rotated 360 degrees to the right when it dropped from 38,000 feet degrees (11,582 metres)
15,000 feet (4,572 metres).
It disappeared at about 10,000 feet above sea level (3,048 metres).
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