iraqi refugees to resettle amid fresh trauma of violent past - white board sizes-ITATOUCH-img

iraqi refugees to resettle amid fresh trauma of violent past - white board sizes

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-17
iraqi refugees to resettle amid fresh trauma of violent past  -  white board sizes
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Atlanta, Georgia (CNN)--
A whiteboard from the Atlanta International Rescue Commission shows the source of hundreds of refugees that the agency has resettled in Georgia. -
Vietnam, Myanmar, Iran.
It will soon add another country, Iraq.
While their situation may vary, refugees can expect a taste of home when they arrive.
The agency will provide traditional Middle Eastern meals such as halal beef, rice, flat bread and tea. The U. S.
The State Department said it expects at least 70 Iraqi refugees to come to the United States within the next 10 days, and under an emergency measure approved in February, 7,000 people will be allowed to resettle in the United States.
Refugees who have settled in Atlanta and elsewhere will be sponsored by the IRC, a non-profit organization established in 1933 to help refugees and victims of war or oppression.
San Diego, California;
Chicago, Illinois;
Phoenix, Arizona
According to Ed Blig, an IRC spokesman, Detroit and Michigan are other possible destinations. (
Learn more about the struggle of an Iraqi refugee family in Turkey)
Bonifasi Nahimana, a Burundi refugee who arrived in Atlanta on June 4, can prove the difference between familiar food and unfamiliar food. "We [found]
Prepare food at home. . . Fanta to drink. . . .
They are ready to let us forget everything we have experienced . "
Since the war began in 2003, an estimated 2 million Iraqis have fled their country.
Those who resettled in the United StatesS.
Alan Betty, regional director at Atlanta's IRC, said: "There's a long way between building a new life here and wanting a brighter future there . ".
Beatty will oversee the efforts of Atlanta to make Iraq transition as smoothly as possible to the United States.
"The level of indiscriminate violence is very high. . .
After leaving a lot of people
"Trauma stress," said Betty.
"So this is one of the suggestions for this group: be prepared to arrange some relatively intensive consultations.
"Just out of the horror of war, Iraqis may need to establish a response mechanism . "
Kitty Kelley, project coordinator, Centre for torture and trauma survivors, Health Council, DeKalb County, Georgia.
The IRC worked with the organization to advise refugees.
Kelly said: "There may still be some degree of shock, even though Atlanta
There are refugees in refugee camps in Turkey.
Mental health professionals will consult based on the level of exposure to violence.
In addition, "it should be remembered that the recent trauma may have been superimposed by the wounds of the Saddam Hussein regime in the past," said Dr.
Forest in skin Vova chick
Director of the Center for Refugee Health and Human Rights in Boston.
Regardless of their emotional state, refugees can rely on several constants when resettling in the United States. S.
The IRC places refugees in homes that it considers safe, decent and affordable, equipped with basic items such as sofas, kitchen tables and beds.
"Few people will bring more than a small amount of clothes.
"When you are forced to be displaced, you usually lose everything you have," Betty said . ".
In Atlanta, refugees can store them with hundreds of dollars of coupons accepted by the IRC supply store, where they can "buy" donated clothing and household items.
With the help of the agency, refugees will begin to take on themselves
Their new home and new life in America is enough.
The learning curve may vary.
Nahimana, 67, and his family are learning about the difference between a refrigerator and what the kitchen cabinets are.
He and his family must also learn English.
On the other hand, people from Iraqi cities may be used to existing techniques and practices such as paying bills, so they will start their learning process by absorbing other types of American standards, for example, how the medical system works, Betty said, what parents with children expect from the school and how to conquer the public transportation system.
When it comes to finding a job, they usually start with Onboarding --
Beattie says keep it level no matter what they did before.
"We have people who have a college degree and a medical degree, but all of this will not be transferred immediately if your English is limited. "Ninety-
Between 2% and 95% of IRC's relocated families are "completely self-contained"
"Within six months of arrival, it was a huge achievement," Beattie said . ".
These six months may be a difficult time for Iraqis.
"The violence they are in, the turmoil in that country will be very active and fresh for them.
The wounds are open, "said Betty.
But it was a difficult group, she noted.
"I think refugees are survivors," she said . ""[Their]
Toughness is incredible. "CNN.
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Students take English courses at the Atlanta office of the International Rescue Committee.
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