is cupertino sacrificing its core to apple? - smart board exchange

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-03
is cupertino sacrificing its core to apple?  -  smart board exchange
Cupertino, California—
Welcome to Appletown in the United States.
Apple's great success and architectural expansion in the city over the past decade has made it hard to know where Cupertino is ending and where the company is starting. But just wait.
When Apple invested in the Pentagon-sized campus of Cupertino, California, a city of 60,000 people
Economically, it depends more on a company than any small town in Silicon Valley.
Two years after the project was announced, as details became more prominent, it was almost impossible to overestimate the impact of Apple Campus 2 on Cupertino.
Apple envision 176
The acre campus, its own fortress of loneliness, will cut off ties with the public in the northeast of Cupertino.
This week, the city began a series of hearings to finalize the project.
The hearing and the development agreement being negotiated are the best opportunities for the city to determine the terms of its relationship with the company in the coming decades.
While Apple is keen to push ahead with a project that is already behind schedule, before linking its economic fortunes so closely with a company, the city must consider what concessions it wants. "In a high-
In technology, even the most powerful companies are disappearing at an alarming rate, and employment is shrinking much faster than expanding, "said Jerry Davis, a professor at the Ross Business School at the University of Michigan.
"There must be risks.
"The huge number when the new campus is built --
At some point in 2016
Apple will cast a bigger financial shadow over Cupertino, even larger than the Internet search giant Google in nearby Mountain View.
The figures included in an economic impact report recently commissioned by Apple illustrate the story: Apple's 16,000 employees in Cupertino account for 40% of the city's jobs.
When the new campus opens in 2016, Apple plans to be 24,000 Cupertino-Based on employees. Apple pays $9.
The city's revenue for the last fiscal year was 2 million, or about 18% of the city's budget.
Apple expects the figure to grow to $13 million.
Apple currently accounts for 9.
Cupertino property tax valuation of 6%, higher than 1. 21% in 2001.
The valuation of the new campus will double.
Stephen Levy, director of the California Center for Economic Sustainability Studies at Palo Alto, said Cupertino's reliance on Apple is too low.
After all, this is Silicon Valley. once the Giants fell down here, they were replaced by hot young entrepreneurs --ups.
"I doubt Apple will suddenly move their design headquarters to Nashville," Levy said . ".
Still, the company appears to be more vulnerable than it was when the project was first proposed two years ago.
Shares of the company fell about 30% last year as economic growth slowed.
"Six months ago, I would say that if we were to rely on a company, it would be the company we were to rely on," Cupertino mayor Olin Mahoney said . "
Packard employees
"But the industry is changing very quickly.
"The famous address of Apple Union
Founder Steve Jobs grew up in nearby Los Altos and went to high school in Cupertino, initially not even wanting to put his company here.
In the 1970 s, a feed and grain mill hinted at the rural roots of the town.
The apricot orchard blossomed with young computer companies.
Jobs's desire for the prestige of Stanford also helped HP succeed.
Apple's early employee, Daniel Kottke, recalled that he rented a post office box in Palo Alto to increase Apple's reputation by looking for a "higher-class address.
"Nothing was found and jobs settled down in Cupertino.
After years of office space leasing, Apple completed a new headquarters with an unlimited cycle in 1993.
Cupertino was then transformed into suburban shopping malls, office parks and concrete models all over Silicon Valley.
Over the past decade, Apple's infinite loop address has surpassed its infinite loop address, which has 3,000 employees filled to 856,000 square feet.
The company purchased or leased an additional 2 million square feet of space in the Cupertino area for more than 13,000 employees, including 76 acres of land adjacent to HP's old campus.
Along the way, Apple put Cupertino on the map.
"We are proud to have gained some fame in a small part of the world," Apple United
Steve Wozniak, founder, said.
"Apple has achieved great success. we are the brightest star in Cupertino.
"In addition to the charm of working with Apple, Cupertino has gained huge economic benefits, such as $4.
Apple says it spends £ 6 billion a year on local Silicon Valley companies.
There are also smaller Intangible assets, such as Apple employees who volunteer at school.
But Apple has not been the city's dominant economic force until the past decade.
This is the result of Apple's growth and HP's decision to abandon the Cupertino campus. HP was the city's biggest employer.
After HP's departure, city officials said Cupertino was critical to attract a wider range of companies so it would not overrely on an employer.
"The decline and departure of a big company in Hewlett
"Packard demonstrates the need to diversify the city's revenue base," wrote Cupertino's 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report . ".
That year, Jobs proposed an opposite plan.
People boycotting Chang ecupertino still think it is more of a crossroads than a city, partly because it does not have a historic city center to give it a firm identity.
Today, Apple's campus may become a landmark of the city.
After accumulating 76 acres of land in east Cupertino, Apple bought the adjacent 100 acres from HP.
Apple decided to set up a new headquarters here, which is mainly welcomed by its hometown, which is the pride of enterprises and residents, despite some small but high-profile rumors about the increase in traffic into this corner of the town is limited, and the company has a lot of influence.
However, the biggest factor in generating heat is Apple's requirement to combine the two pieces of land.
Apple wants to buy and close the road between them, Pruneridge Avenue.
The request upset some residents because of the tree
The sidewalk around the old HP campus is a popular one.
"I heard that Apple wants to convert Wolf eridge Ave from public space to private space?
"Cowley wrote in an email to the city.
"I and many others have made it part of jogging/walking around the old HP campus.
"Apple has to tear down 26 existing buildings, 2 in total.
65 million square feet of space will eventually be replaced by a new 2 before construction begins. 8-million-square-foot campus.
Upon completion, the new campus will accommodate up to 14,200 employees, up from about 10,000 employees who previously worked at the old HP campus.
While Apple needs a new campus to meet its expanding workforce, according to the planning document, its other official goal is to "by eliminating any public access through the site, and protect the surrounding area from intruders and realize the safety and privacy required for new product inventions.
"The public can drive along the road surrounding Apple's current headquarters, two miles west in an infinite loop, putting them within a few feet of Apple's office, a sacred geek territory.
The new headquarters building will be as far away from the road as HP's old office.
Apple also plans to increase the number of trees on the land by 50%, making it harder for the offices to spy.
How important is the security of the new website?
In an email exchange with city staff, an Apple executive bargained over the location of a tree.
"Also, if we move this tree another 5 feet, this tree will be our security issue," wrote Apple executive Meg Thomas . ".
"People can climb the trees and skip the fence.
"For 20 years, Roger Martin has lived a block away from Sunnyvale.
He can see the new campus from his second photo. story bedroom.
"They 've been talking about how beautiful Apple campus will be, but I'm not an Apple employee," Martin said . ".
Martin remembers the noise and commotion that HP caused when building some offices.
He is worried that there are a lot of new cars in his community.
On Tuesday, Cupertino began the final stage of approving the campus, with a joint hearing between the City Council and the Planning Commission.
The meeting was not held at the town hall, but at the nearby community center to accommodate the large number of people expected.
The city council is expected to formally vote for approval of the plan in October. 15.
As Manchester City and Apple continue to negotiate the terms of the development agreement, Cupertino must decide what changes and financial terms it wants to demand.
For example, Apple currently has an agreement with Cupertino to get a refund for half of the sales tax that the city receives from the company.
According to Apple's report, the city received $12 last year.
The sales tax generated by Apple is 69 million.
Cupertino returned about $6.
4 million from Apple
Apple hopes to renew its contract.
The report predicts that the city's annual tax revenue will still grow by $4 million if the tax agreement is in place.
But what if Apple doesn't meet its growth expectations?
On December, David Brant, Cupertino city manager, discussed Apple's minimum taxes in an email to the city's employees in case growth forecasts could not be achieved.
At the same time, Cupertino's campus planning process has also caused resource constraints.
This summer, at a community meeting discussing the environmental impact report, the city had 50 of the 160 staff at hand to deal with crowd and logistics.
It is possible to overwhelm the city's planning department by simply reviewing the project, so that officials propose to create an Apple situation room for staff and documents at the Town Hall.
The city asked if Apple could lend them a laptop because the planning department had only one laptop that it shared among its employees.
The city planning director also asked if Apple would buy them a smart motherboard.
Timm Borden, Cupertino's director of public works, wrote in an email to Apple executives: "It's certainly not a routine, it's most of our business, we want to be proud of this convenience. in-a-
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