is the era of desktop pcs coming to an end? - touch screen drawing tablet

by:ITATOUCH     2020-05-14
is the era of desktop pcs coming to an end?  -  touch screen drawing tablet
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There have been some significant changes in computer technology over the years, but as mobile devices continue to dominate, this has significantly changed the technology landscape.
Over the past five years, many people have wondered when and/or if the day when desktop computers retire.
As we know, desktop computers will definitely change and eventually disappear forever.
Maybe not tomorrow, next year, or even the year after that, but depending on the direction of the industry, it seems to be just a matter of time.
Statistics from 2010, for example, show that many people still like comfortable and familiar desktops.
However, with updates including wearable devices and the arrival of more mobile technologies, things have changed.
If the direction of the tech giants, coupled with the amazing growth of mobile devices, these are the indicators of time coming.
Global PC shipments fell by 7, according to Gartner.
Compared with the same period in 2015, the 7% quarter of 2014 was 3rd.
A risk report shows that the industry fell to 8 when the fourth quarter began. 3 percent (except Apple -
Who is the departure value).
Mobile devices are very popular. in the near past, the number of gadgets has exceeded the number of humans in the world.
The market demand for mobile devices only supports the idea that consumers like convenience and portability.
Credit: Johan Larsson goes through 2 via Flickr/CC.
Desktop desktops really don't work with this idea, and, most likely, in the end, familiar boxes may end up halfway like other technologies in the past.
For those who still want a big screen and don't need portability, consider how easily a TV that's updated these days can be connected to the Internet.
No tower even needed.
Laptops were the most famous mobile devices a few years ago, but even these portable computers are considered bulky by today's standards.
Laptop makers have to be smaller, thinner and lighter to survive.
Manufacturers have also turned to adding touch screens and other tabletslike features.
Some even have dual laptops/tablets.
Other mobile devices and wearables are also a big part of today's daily computing experience --
Computer manufacturers must create innovative ways to keep and keep consumers interested in their products.
With the continuous progress of wireless technology, speech recognition technology and touch technology, the society has seen a huge change in technological innovation.
As early as 2010, for example, Microsoft released Kinect, an idea of control --
Free video games bring other hot issues related to traditional computing power.
Credit: closari passes through 2 via Flickr/CC.
If the game reaches the point where the player can interact directly without a controller or other device, instead, it relies on the movement and sound of the human body before the sensor to play the game, in theory, the same thing cannot happen to ordinary computers. This technology is obviously available and natural interaction has been completed long ago.
So why haven't these technologies become the mainstream of conventional, good old technologies yet?
At least one reason is a reasonable explanation.
With the steady development of the science and technology industry in a new direction, the human transition is slow, the obstacles are not so prominent.
The greater obstacle is the cost of human adaptation to these changes and new technologies.
However, with higher requirements for these products, these resistors may drop in time.
Consumers will gradually stay away from traditional PCs.
For example, I only look at myself.
I'm really a desktop girl who can't work and work without a mouse and keyboard.
In the evening, however, I use my laptop when I relax, surf, read the news or do some simple research.
A few months after surfing with a tablet, when I got back to my laptop, I automatically found the screen.
I do have a touch screen on my new laptop, but I don't even shop.
It happens to be an incredible sale going on and its price is not
Touch, so I guess why not, but the fact that I automatically enter the screen by hand surprised me, especially since I was more comfortable on the desktop.
This makes me wonder if I can touch my desktop screen to do certain tasks, I think it may be difficult to change the habit of typing, but Web search and other tasks, maybe not that much[
Related reading: What happens if technology no longer exists]
Where is the future of desktop? In the desktop market, the desktop will eventually become an extinct device. a few years ago, Apple had taken a leap away from the "personal computer, and with the ipod, ipad and iphone has successfully made a leap forward in the future of mobile.
At this point, Microsoft, which is often considered a leader, is lagging behind in some ways.
However, when it uses Kinect to showcase its innovations, the tech giant may just take a different path in the future in order to invest too much "face" change at the same time, cultivate consumers in a new direction.
Voice and touch technologies have improved a lot over the past decade, as Microsoft is primarily a software company because these applications and programs are written to interact with hardware, so
It is important not to discount Microsoft, because although Apple has made progress in mobile technology for a long time, Microsoft still has a large share of the PC market, many markets, especially enterprises, they have invested heavily in their products.
They may accept incremental changes that are not too expensive, not comprehensive --fledged change.
Credit: via Flickr/CC via Marc Climent 2.
The technology industry is seeking to eliminate all the excess.
One day, there may be only one phone and one screen on this table, and several peripherals may be connected if needed.
Over time, voice and touch applications may be added to a desktop computer to bridge the eventual transition to smaller, more portable devices, reducing consumer resistance.
This may require the elimination of the mouse and keyboard so that users can interact directly with the desktop before taking a big step toward a new way of computing that does not use these peripherals.
But before that, Microsoft seemed to have a plan.
On April 2015, in a CNN article entitled "Microsoft has just shown the future of personal computers, the computer giant shows how to use Windows 10 running on a mobile phone with displays, mouse and keyboard to effectively turn the mobile experience into a PC experience.
It is called a continuum of mobile phones.
Another article in Business Insider highlights the holographic technology Microsoft is developing.
One thing that remains the same in life is change.
The technology will continue to grow and progress rapidly.
With the emergence of newer and more innovative inventions, the old ones are eliminated.
The traditional desktop tower has reached its peak, but at least in the form we are familiar with, it may slowly move towards retirement.
The big question is when will happen forever, do you think you're ready for the world to drop the Desktop Update 2018? There seems to be some life in the traditional PC.
According to an article in The Financial Times, at the end of 2017, Gartner predicted that PC sales would rise in 2018, especially in the commercial and international markets, especially in Russia and China. [5]
Still, the overall price of PCs fell by 2 in 2017. 8 percent.
The development of technology has also affected the market, such as more applications entering the cloud than traditional desktop software.
As technology advances and how businesses and families respond to these changes, this can have a significant impact on the market.
So the future of PCS seems unclear at this point, but if they really survive, we think it's certain that conventional PCs are likely to change something.
As AI and augmented reality continue to go deep into our technology, it will have an impact whether it is ready or not.
Credit: John passed Flickr/CC 2 on December.
Maybe in the near future, all these technologies will be integrated into two
Mobile phone and big screen.
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