its an adventure: first visitors wowed by calgarys shiny new library - interactive whiteboard feat

'it's an adventure': first visitors wowed by calgary's shiny new library - interactive whiteboard features

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-26
\'it\'s an adventure\': first visitors wowed by calgary\'s shiny new library  -  interactive whiteboard features
Supa Ananda, standing under a four-story wooden curve bathed in natural light, can only gaze curiously in the city's new central library.
Another reason for moving from India to Calgary three years ago is that the city's rectangular mother ship of books and learning technology is a good decision --made, she said.
"I was very surprised at how it looked and we were happy to stay here," annanda said, clinging to her 4-year-old daughter Anna Nora . ".
"I'm really, really happy-
We will come here regularly.
Haley Lockhart and friend Patricia Bennett spent over three hours exploring the $245
Millions of buildings just opened in East Village.
They say it injects more intellectual and artistic capital into a city that is often constrained by economic factors.
"It certainly cost a lot of money, but it's about education and learning, and it shows the bright side of Calgary," said Rockhurst, 18 . ".
Bennett, 54, said the bright and spacious nature of the new library is its own supplement, and its Aboriginal art is another.
She added that this is where the Calgary Asians show off.
"If I had friends coming to town, I would have brought them here, which is great," Bennett said . ". As a jazz-
The Blues brass brand made a celebration nearby, and Curt Smith walked down the last few hardwood floors to free him from a futile ancient quest
School electronics.
"I have to go to a business place to find a fax," Smith said . ".
Nevertheless, the panoramic view of the visit and the building and the intimate corners made him in awe.
"It was an adventure and it would implore a lot of people to come here and it would really open up a lot for young people," said Smith, who couldn't help but raise the debate that Calgary hosted 2026 Winter Olympics.
"I am more willing to spend money on this than the Olympic Games.
This is forever.
Evan Lamontagne, 10, and his sister Kaiah explore the almost antique charm of an old Olivetti typewriter, one of many interactive features for young people.
Kaiah, 7, of Airdrie, said the library was "very beautiful ".
Her mother Heather is passionate about the impact the new building may have on children and adults.
"It's interesting for people to be interested in books, and it's a place where children can try something they usually can't try," said Lamontagne . ".
Cassandra Cage says she can get lost happily in the library's myriad reading and learning spaces.
"All these spaces have elusive names that inspire creative things that happen here," said 30-year-old Caiger . ".
The planning consultant, Cage, stands below the arch Red Cedar entrance to the building and offers practical attractions.
"It's really exciting to have the opportunity to have such an inspiring space for workshops," she said . ".
"They do a great job in design and architecture and planning and programming.
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