javadekar launches operation digital board to boost quality education - interactive digital board

javadekar launches operation digital board to boost quality education - interactive digital board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-12
javadekar launches operation digital board to boost quality education  -  interactive digital board
New Delhi: Federal Minister of Human Resources Prakash Javadekar launched the Digital committee action on Wednesday to use technology to promote quality education in the country.
Operating digital board (ODB)
Designed to convert classrooms to digital classrooms and to provide electronic classrooms
Provide resources to students at any time and at any place.
Javadekar told reporters here: "operating a digital board is a revolutionary step that will make learning interact with the teaching process and promote flipped learning as a teaching method.
The digital commission will start at level 9 in government and government-funded schools as well as higher education institutions across the country.
He said that the process will begin with the upcoming 2019 meeting.
"It will also help provide personalized Adaptive Learning and Intelligent tutoring by leveraging emerging technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.
"A committee of experts has worked out the best configuration of digital classrooms under ODB," he added . ".
EU ministers say the biggest challenge facing the country's education sector is to maintain acceptable quality standards across the country.
He said: "While we have a lot of first-class institutions that compete with the best institutions in the world, a large number of higher education institutions and schools need to improve in terms of the quality of teaching --
Students who come out of these institutions find themselves unsuitable for social and market requirements.
Javadekar added that the popularization of educational technology and connectivity provides an opportunity to address this issue and to achieve equity in educational standards.
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