lenovo smartphone concept boasts interactive projector - interactive projector board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-27
lenovo smartphone concept boasts interactive projector  -  interactive projector board
Lenovo's new smartphone concept has pushed the tablet concept to a new level.
This smartphone is today displayed in the world of Lenovo technology, with built-in functions
In pico projectors and laser sensors, this allows you not only to project your smartphone's display onto a larger surface, but also to interact with it.
Although the phones with projectors are not entirely new ideas ---
Samsung launched a similar device a few years ago--
The virtual laser keyboard appears longer. -
Lenovo's concept is called Smart Cast, which combines the two in one device.
During development, Smart Cast can recognize several gestures, including clicks, swipes, and multi-touch, so that you can interact with your smartphone as much as you do on your smartphone monitor.
The projector on the phone can also be rotated so that it can be used to display images of presentations and movies on the wall.
A small stand on the back of the phone allows it to stand up on its own so you don't have to support it with something else.
In the world of Lenovo technology, pianist Lang showed the smartphone, Lang first used the technology to project the virtual keyboard onto the table, playing Scott Joplin's 《
Next, use the projector to display the score on the piano, and when he plays classical music on the piano, slide between two pages.
In both cases, the phone is very responsive because Lang plays effortlessly and doesn't lag at all.
Like other concept devices presented by Lenovo technology world, this smartphone/projector is a year or two away from store shelves, an interesting perspective on where Lenovo's mobile devices are heading.
We want some help.
Please keep an eye on this device later.
During this time, here is a video of Lang's itch on virtual ivory.
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