light up your space with tips from design instructors - interactive displays for business

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-14
light up your space with tips from design instructors  -  interactive displays for business
Lighting is one of the most important parts of the design problem.
"Lighting plays such an important role in our lives, but we take it for granted," said Nancy Boscha . " Chief interior decoration lecturer at Calgary Bow Valley College Community Research and Creative Technology College.
"It can create the illusion of space, highlight precious objects, and provide safety, which is an important factor in our overall health.
When a space has proper lighting, knowing more about the benefits of light can have a positive impact on people's lives and emotions, she encouraged everyone to visit the Design Lab at the Calgary Home Design Show on Sunday.
24 in the center of BMO.
Her students designed a series of interactive displays to co-create the design lab.
Here you can learn about the color, design a mini room and then observe how the light changes the design.
It's designed to be both hands --
And tons of fun.
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