meet the classroom of the future - smart board computer

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-28
meet the classroom of the future  -  smart board computer
A future classroom may not be led by a robot with arms and legs, but it may be guided by a digital brain.
It may seem like this: a room as big as a basketball court;
More than 100 students were plugged into laptops;
There are also 15 teachers and teaching assistants.
It's not just the future, it's David Budi's sixth grade math class.
A high school in Brooklyn near Coney Island.
Under the hum of all humans, something other than humans is running this program: algorithms.
Drive us to Google search or select complex computer calculations of what we see on our Facebook page.
The algorithm selects students to sit together.
Algorithms measure what children know and how much they know.
They choose the problem that the children should solve and provide the teacher with the next lesson.
This combination of human capital and technology is called "mixed learning ".
"Whether or not it upset you, the show seems to be serving little BudiHigh well.
A recent study of 15 schools using one-on-one teaching has mixed results, but shows that they are better than their peers on the national average.
"It can be used as an effective tool, but so far it has a moderate and unstable effect on student performance," said Harvard University researcher Justin Ritchie, who
He believes that teaching a person can mechanize some of the more common parts of teaching, such as grading and evaluating whether students have mastered a topic.
However, he added that this also ultimately led to the teaching of standardized tests and there was no better effect than some non-standardized tests
Digital intervention.
So how does it work?
When these sixth graders are in class, they either log in to their laptop or check the monitor in front of the room.
It tells every student where to go
The room is accurate.
It is divided into 10 parts by bookshelf and small partition, such as "Botanical Garden" and "Brighton Beach ".
"The computer also tells them what class to take.
Today, most of the students in the big room are doing personal work on laptops, and this class is called "virtual teaching" and "virtual reinforcement ".
"There are also some people working in groups under the leadership of teachers.
In "Qiu Yuan", Devon Myers, who taught seven years of books, is conducting a teaching called "on-site investigation.
"He stood silently next to a smart board and clicked on the mouse.
At the beginning of this class, it may be the cousin of iPhone Siri.
"How do you say two-point-zero-five-three?
To read this, divide it into two parts, "command the sound of the disengage from the speaker of the computer.
Does anyone know what you said?
"The girl Sabrina Giagrande, who has already answered a few questions, stretched her hand into the sky as if it had been held and shaken by invisible force.
Miles pushed his 20 uninterested classes and urged others to answer, but eventually obeyed Sabrina: "Two Fifty
3 ‰
"That's right," he said.
"In this lesson, you have learned to name a few decimal digits per thousand by using the place value," the sound of the algorithm informed the class on one thing --of-fact tone.
Whether they get it or not, the algorithm will eventually find out.
At the end of the course, the children did a short quiz called exit sheet, which the algorithm used to measure what they learned.
In five questions, this outbound sheet provides the algorithm with information on which students will be grouped together the next day, and what each of them will do. In a sixth-
In theory, from fourth grade math to eighth grade math, students may be doing everything. Around 5 p. m.
Every day, teachers receive alerts about how students will group and what classes they need to teach.
Many of the teachers I spoke to gave cautious praise to the show.
Aaron Caswell, he's in M. S.
Another high school in Brooklyn, aged 88, said all this tidying up made him a better teacher.
But he added that it is not easier to help his students learn than before.
Since he only gets the material 16 hours in advance, it means that he has to be ready to create classes at any time and make plans for students who need extra help.
"You still have to make teaching your own," he said . ".
But not everyone does.
"A lot of people just give them [
From Program]
Do what they say: "This is my script, these are my children.
He said: "It doesn't work to teach a person in this way.
In myers course in little budy
Some students seem to be engaged and some seem distracted.
Christian Williams
The sixth-grade student in a corn row stabbed his pen into the rubber pulp of the eraser, which made people satisfied and obsessed with the bursting foam package.
He went through the material earlier in the time and said he was tired of the idea of doing it again.
The class was divided into two 35 minutes, and in the first class Christien did a "virtual teaching" tutorial.
With headphones, he went through a seriesin-the-
Blank multiple choice questions.
"In this lesson, you will learn how to recognize decimals as a few percent and a few thousand," an optimistic voice said in his headphones, while a beating '80'
If he answers the question correctly, he can move on.
If he doesn't, the computer will try to tell him where something went wrong.
"Sorry, this is not correct," said the voice . ".
"You want to write decimals with 40 and 50 --
3‰ of the standard form.
We will answer this question using the location value diagram.
The problem with algorithms, critics argue, is that they make it easier to teach standardized tests and ultimately weaken the rich teaching.
For example, according to Reich, a Harvard researcher, computers are good at measuring the simple computational tasks required for standardized testing, but not critical thinking.
He believes that this has an impact on later students: mathematical work that requires human participation usually involves higher-
The work of computing mathematics has been done by computers.
"If you care about children having a complete life in the math world in the future, then it's a terrible system," he said . ".
But these are high
BET testing is important.
If I were the principal and had children on skilled boundaries, I would use these procedures to move them to the other side.
"In fact, the bad test result is little Budi.
High signed the main driving force of the project.
"We haven't gained anything in mathematics for a long time.
Why not try the new one?
Said President Dominique De Angelo.
De Angelo believes that part of the success comes from teaching as a robot enforcer.
He knows exactly what lesson plans his teachers are reviewing every day and whether they have passed them.
"Go to school on Monday after Thanksgiving.
"You showed me how many teachers are doing some strong guidance," he said . ".
"The design of this project forces this problem.
"In a sense, teaching a person is" adaptive "and" self"
"It's a form of artificial intelligence, and it's important because schools are doing better in their second year of study.
In fact, their average performance is 47% higher than their national counterparts.
Colleagues in the company
Founder Joel Rose believes that this is due not only to the improved ability of the algorithm itself, but also
The school year is getting more adapted to the program and learning how to train teachers to use the software better.
"You have to build a plane while flying," Rose said of mixed learning . ".
"Fortunately, we have worked with good schools that understand this.
But not all cooperative schools understand that.
The progress of some schools is average, while the results of other schools have declined.
Two of the three schools in New York dropped out of school. (
Neither school responded to our request for comment. )
The city has managed to raise $9 million in external funding for the pilot project, which will last for three years, raising another important question: as many supporters have said, in fact, mixed learning is cheaper than traditional teaching?
A recent study found that this is not the case in a successful project.
Initially, the cost of mixed learning was higher, but he believes that once the project gets better, the school invests in hardware and one day it will become cheaper.
The big question aside from the money question is: did the children really learn more?
Algorithms may be better task management than people.
When grading assignments and tracking student progress, they may reduce the workload of a large number of teachers.
They can keep up with the changes in standardized testing more easily.
It is not clear yet that normalization begins to disappear from other educational signs-creativity and critical thinking.
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