mind of a snail gets its weird on with multiple organism - whiteboard and projection screen combin

mind of a snail gets its weird on with multiple organism - whiteboard and projection screen combined

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-11
mind of a snail gets its weird on with multiple organism  -  whiteboard and projection screen combined
: March 19-23, 26-30, 8 p. m.
On March 23, 24, 30, 2 p. m.
: The Culture Laboratory of Vanke Chengpin, Kuqi: The thoughts of snail puppet company
Chloe Ziner and Jessica Gabriel have built an international reputation for their company, creating what they like to call "visual poetry with narrative elements ".
"This description is unfair to the unique, sometimes strange themes that appear in the performance.
Our interview was to discuss the re-establishment of the duo award.
Winning multiple organisms has not yet begun, and it has begun to discuss different implied sex cues in toothbrush design.
There are emotional toothbrushes in the performance.
There are also shadow puppets, the torso used as a projection surface, nudity, impressive scenes of chewing teeth, custom raw scores, and more.
A variety of creatures are not suitable for children.
The program is recommended by an 18-year-old. “Why?
"Because of adult content, nudity, the theme of puppet shows," Ziner said . ".
"For me, the show is about seeing and being seen.
"It's also about the body and the predictions that all of us have for us," Gabriel said . ".
"In the process, we are exploring gender, and the way we immediately decide what someone is about, and the duality between men and women. It’s super fun.
"Given what is outlined here, fun may not be the first word to think.
But snail's heart presents a particularly surreal and absurd approach to even the most serious subjects.
A highlight of any show is the way multimedia collides with comedy theater and adventurous technology and sound design.
Both artists have studied Pochinko.
The style clown, at all times trying to get stupid, but must also come from the real, often tragic origins.
The Canadian style developed by Richard Pochinko has given the country's Mump and Smoot such tragic characters that famous students include stage and screen stars Tantoo Cardinal and playwright and actor kar
"In part of the show, Jessica's body became the circus she was projected into," Ziner said . ".
"We use it to create a very direct compound character that can be quite right there and at the moment.
"An isolated mouth (Chloe’s)
"It projects on my torso and becomes the subject of life, speaking directly to the audience," Gabriel said . ".
"It's instant, live, and we can play it depending on how the audience responds to it.
We always allow parts of the show to be open enough to keep us right at the moment.
"Of course, the technical requirements mean that the rest of the performance is more inflexible.
Somehow it all gained a sense of confusion that the audience could see the puppetry doing what they did, which increased the immediacy of the experience.
Watching their "puppet dance" becomes another layer of the show, Ziner said.
But what about those emotional toothbrushes?
"One of the things we do in development is to take a bunch of daily supplies from the bathroom drawer, and we use these tools to handle our bodies and play with them, see if they can get into the show, says ZIner.
"From the beginning of the fascination, we were surprised how fast we found our brains to allocate sex on these objects, such as dental floss, razors and toothbrushes. Gender specific.
With overhead, the nature of the projected space is small, so you start to see things.
"The angle of the bristles, gabriel said:" The shape and groove give the toothbrush more of a chin or stiff shoulder, and so on, to make it more male or female, we can move them in some way.
"Most of the shows are performed in the bathroom, so in this public and private space.
"It's not surprising that readers often ask how much weed smoke is present in the creation of snail performances.
While getting something that gives a feeling outside of the body/mind may be the result of observing multiple organisms, it is a direct creation.
"People always think it must have arrived when we were thrown stones," Ziner said . ".
"But we are making the show very seriously because it takes a very detailed process to make anything that is feasible and can be toured.
We are looking for that happy feeling, for that psychedelic spark, and trying to fit it into it.
Both artists acknowledge that this creative process often produces more ideas than will be used.
Since all the ideas of the snail's work are design drama rather than script --
Based on this, the two did recruit observers during the production of the work.
Jangos Johnsrude, Travis Bernhardt and Brandon Schwinn are all thanked for "being watched from outside at different times in the process.
"The result was a show at the Fringe Arts Festival in 2017 that brought home awards such as the art risk Award and the Critic Choice Award.
The show also won the Fringe award, and when the Kochi staff went to see as many Fringe shows as possible, they decided on a show space that they thought was worth bringing into the regular season at Kochi and showing at the Van Gogh Culture Lab.
For edge artists, it is very legal to enter an established venue like Kuchi.
"It's not everyone's performance.
"We do have some, but it's a challenge for people," Ziner said . ".
"So it's good to have support to take the artistic risk and find the audience.
This means that we will do more and innovate constantly.
"Multiple organisms won the Critic's Choice Innovation Award at 2018 Jesse Richardson Theatre Award.
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