my view: students with hearing loss benefit from mix of technology, teaching - interactive whitebo

my view: students with hearing loss benefit from mix of technology, teaching - interactive whiteboard lessons

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-13
my view: students with hearing loss benefit from mix of technology, teaching  -  interactive whiteboard lessons
Charlotte Walker, special notes from CNNEditor: Charlotte Walker teaches deaf students in Maine.
She has been looking for innovative ways to integrate technology into the classroom.
She holds a master's degree in literacy from the New England College.
I grew up in an era when technology has just become popular and families can afford it.
When I was 4, I would sit on my dad's lap and play Mario brothers on the original Nintendo system (
My dad's nose was almost broken while moving the controller to make Mario jump! )
A few years later, I played a role on Saturday morning.
Play the game on our own dos OS pc.
As I grow, my love for technology is growing.
Thankfully, under the right guidance, I was able to recognize the importance of traditional learning and learning with the help of technology, and to be able to balance between the two.
Today, I work for deaf or hard-hearing students in a bilingual classroom, and I am also trying to balance the use of technology by my students.
The classroom consists of two large rooms connected by one door.
When my colleague, I use English speaking to guide
The teacher taught in American Sign Language in another room.
There are about 25 students in our classroom.
About half of the students have a certain degree of hearing loss, and the children can freely move all day between the two rooms.
One of the main goals of my classroom is to help my students develop the skills of listening and using spoken English.
Many of my students missed the chance to learn because of hearing damage.
They may know what a cow is, but they may not have explained to them what a hoof is.
It's my job to make sure that my students know what's called something like a hoof, a jewel on a crown, or a dot.
How is this done?
Well, traditional methods such as flash cards can be used, but the attention time of preschool children is limited, especially static objects.
Now, my preschool is more advanced in technology than I was when I was a child.
They took the ipad to school and showed me the slides they made (
With the help of mom and dad)
They traveled to the grocery store the night before.
Recently, while looking at my two students in our independent theater district, I noticed that they were using a building block as a mobile phone and in order to take pictures, they held the block in front of them with one arm!
Now kids are technology.
If I have learned one thing in my eight years of teaching, it is that effective teaching usually means paying attention to students' interests.
Because my students like technology, I use more technology in class as one of my priorities.
At the beginning of this year, my colleague
The teacher and I used YouTube to post videos of our reading books related to the course, including spoken English and ASL, which students can enter with their families in the classroom and at home.
I also created different picture walls that document activities such as natural walks on the island where our school is located.
I hung the photos in their eyes and asked them to tell me what they saw.
Then I wrote their description and posted it under the photo.
Students like to see themselves in pictures and are excited to describe these experiences in words.
As I mentioned, preschool students have limited attention, especially analog tools like flash cards, so I get inspiration from their passion for the iPad, and look for a more interactive way to show off my lessons.
Another technology I implemented this year is the use of Luidia eBeam, a small portable interactive whiteboard device that allows me to turn any surface into an interactive whiteboard.
Because the device is mobile, my colleague
The teacher and I can easily share it on both sides of the classroom and set it to work at a level where the kids can reach it and interact with it.
I have used eBeam on our dry wipe board, back of the shelf, bathroom door (
Not the best idea! )
Also on the wall.
I am excited to see the direct impact of technology on the learning environment and the level of student excitement.
Bring tools for these digital natives to explore and build farms, go deep
Sea Adventures with polar bears and penguins, and even create your own working path using interactive stylus.
They can experience language and learning by interacting with the course.
Exposure to new things, such as watching penguins in their natural habitat, will attract my students to ask questions and use the language excitedly.
For example, a student with a lower language watched a penguin swim underwater and said loudly, "feet, feet!
"I was able to clarify that penguins have flippers and explain their use.
This little discussion turned out to be students walking and swimming like penguins in free activities.
Play time and talk about their flippers.
Thanks to technology, we can bring books and stories to our students.
Many classic children's stories can be found online, often read by authors, and many have interactive activities for students to enjoy after telling stories.
Can this teaching and learning do a lot without using technology?
Of course, this brings me back to the importance of balancing the use of technology and traditional teaching methods.
But when my students like to read books, create art, and explore our islands, they have grown with technology, and in order to achieve these goals, as educators, we must learn to adapt to their comfortable environment.
My students will be very excited when they see that we are going to use technology.
Since taking a more integrated approach to these tools, I sometimes find myself overwhelmed by what is being talked about in one of the lessons we use it.
In a room that attracts speaking is my goal, what a wonderful thing to be overwhelmed!
The views expressed in this review are only those expressed by Charlotte Walker.
I really like this article! !
Today, the ongoing struggle with all technologies is to decide how much too much-when to start interfering with learning and when to help strengthen learning.
However, I have been considering this issue on a large scale.
It's really interesting to hear about the specific benefits that young children, especially those with poor or deaf hearing, can get by implementing their favorite technical aspects.
After all, as mentioned before, this is what they are used!
Very comfortable.
As a side note, I also have to really say how amazing and beautiful it is to see this focus being placed in the deaf and heavy listening community.
Even though my children are not hearing hard or deaf, I have been trying my best to teach them some sign language.
I don't know if anyone is interested, but I used SignShine for my youngest child (
She's about 18 months now)
My oldest child is starting to really master it.
It was an amazing experience to see them grow with it.
I don't know. I always feel attractive to ASL.
But this is one of the most beautiful languages I have ever seen?
Thumbs up, thumbs up, and strive to create effective educational technology for children in need!
Great list of resources. . .
We can definitely get help from this list in the future. . .
It is very useful to many people at any stage. .
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