nvidia launches tablet for on-the-go gamers - graphic tablet for pc-ITATOUCH-img

nvidia launches tablet for on-the-go gamers - graphic tablet for pc

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-28
nvidia launches tablet for on-the-go gamers  -  graphic tablet for pc
Nvidia, the US computer chip maker, launched
Performance tablets are Tuesday for players who want the convenience of mobile devices.
Nvidia Shield, eight-inch high-
According to the California company, the definition shows "designed specifically for players ".
The $299 gadget has an optional $40 cover that can be used as a stand.
Wireless controllers can be added for $60.
"If you're a player and you're using a tablet, the Nvidia Shield tablet is designed specifically for you," said Jen.
Huang Guangyu, a partner of Nvidia
Founder and CEO.
"It offers superior tablet performance and unique gaming features that allow even the most avid gamers to immerse themselves anywhere they play.
"The company launched a portable gaming device with smaller screens and integrated controllers last year.
New devices allow the transfer of games from PC desktops or laptops or Nvidia cloud.
It is also based on the Android operating system, which allows web browsing and other tablet functions, and has a stylus drawing on the surface of the tablet.
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