over-use of ipads, iphones and smart screens hurting kids - interactive screen-ITATOUCH-img

over-use of ipads, iphones and smart screens hurting kids - interactive screen

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-29
over-use of ipads, iphones and smart screens hurting kids  -  interactive screen
Too much time to click on an iPad, iPhone, or similar screen --
Especially before bed
It will have a great impact on children's mental health.
Psychologist and parenting columnist Kim Knoll said.
Different from the stupid, interactive technology caused by too much TV --
Email, SMS, games
She says it actually increases stress levels and irritability, affects sleep cycles and hurts socializing.
"It really ruined our attention and ran out of the mental reserve of the children.
"Children's smartphones: Smartphones you need to know, the excessive use of tablets by toddlers can hinder the development of smartphones, and tablet apps pose a risk to children: smart phones as children (or parents)
Is playing on the screen before going to bed.
"Even if you play on an iPad or iPhone for a few minutes before going to bed, it will actually delay the release of melatonin, so of course, it will only affect a person's mood from the perspective of lack of sleep.
"Having a bright screen in the bedroom is also a problem.
Knull says "lights at night-
Basically, there's a light up
Screen in bedroom
Related to depression and poor sleep quality.
To limit the negative, Knull has two simple rules: "There is no technology in the bedroom, less than two hours before going to bed.
"The use of the happy interactive screen also affects the chemistry of the brain and the way a person experiences happiness.
"Screen time can make the reward system of the brain numb," Knull said . ".
"This means that we release too much dopamine in our brains, and then these reward pathways are overused.
As dependence on chemicals can develop, children may become addicted to their screens.
"So, you will find that they will react strongly to limiting their use.
"As a first step, Knull recommends parents to make incremental adjustments to the time the child is using these devices.
She also suggested setting a timer to help draw the line.
"That's it when it rings.
You have a minute left. you have to get off.
"When not in use, Knull says parents should physically remove screen devices and place them in a secure place that is inaccessible.
Depending on age, children or teenagers may show some red warning signs
Marking behavior due to too much screen time.
"It will be a time of change and change, so you will notice some new mood patterns for your teens . . . . . . But if there's something that has a big impact on your life, there's a problem.
"Children may be angry, depressed or motivated.
It can be difficult for them to focus on work or homework, and it can be difficult to socialize with friends and family.
Screen time also affects parents, says Knull.
Parents who check email too much or check email in bed can also get fidgety and sleep badly.
"Will this affect our ability to raise children?
I must say yes.
Knull said: "This is not to say that the screen should be eliminated.
In today's technology, electronic equipment is inevitable.
Based on culture, it is a real help for parents
Especially long road trips.
"Just realize what you have exposed your child.
Use it as a tool . . . . . . Try not to use it every day.
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