patents: screen of mist - whiteboard and projection screen combined-ITATOUCH-img

patents: screen of mist - whiteboard and projection screen combined

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-11
patents: screen of mist  -  whiteboard and projection screen combined
Barry fox may not have many simple ideas to invent, but taisei Corporation in Tokyo has found one of them.
UK patent applications have been submitted (2 220 278)
About the technology of generating a very large projection screen made of water when the switch flashes.
The screen is a mist generated by a very thin row of nozzlespumping water entering the air under high pressure.
When a movie theater or video projector focuses on fog, it reflects light to produce visible images mysteriously hanging in the air.
The inventor suggested that the ideal place to use the system is bargefloating floating on lakes, rivers or oceans and taking water from below.
The theater can use the invention to make a temporary screen on the stage and remove it when switching a flick.
The inventor claims that a powerful pump can produce a screen dozens of meters high.
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