patna junction has bottle crusher machine now | patna news - times of india - interactive touch bo

patna junction has bottle crusher machine now | patna news - times of india - interactive touch board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-28
patna junction has bottle crusher machine now | patna news - times of india  -  interactive touch board
PATNA: On Friday, the Railway Department installed a bottle maker on platform 1 of Patna Junction.
L c Trivedi, general manager of East Central Railway, may hold an opening ceremony on Saturday for the newly installed machine, which is located under the Central Railway.
Manager of railway division (DRM)
Ranjan Prakash Thakur said the machine has been installed at Patna Junction, considering the huge passenger traffic of the passengers.
About one lakh passenger goes to Patna Junction to get on or off the bus every day, he said, adding that the bottle crusher will help keep track, coach and platform clean.
DRM says the Bottle Crusher is equipped with the latest sensor technology and costs about RS 680.
It has the ability to crush up to 5,000 mineral water bottles per day.
DRM added that the railway also intends to encourage passengers who prefer to insert empty mineral water bottles into the crusher from September 20.
The Bottle Crusher is equipped with an interactive touch screen display system.
It weighs about 400 kg kilograms.
The railway company hired a staff member to handle the machine.
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