promethean to press ahead with £500m ipo plan - interactive whiteboard technology

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-24
promethean to press ahead with £500m ipo plan  -  interactive whiteboard technology
Education industry Promethean will announce the stock plan this week
This will make the company worth up to 500 m.
The announcement that may be released as early as today will be given to the new-
The issuing experts were shocked last week by the decision of three big companies to postpone their listing plans because they were nervous about stocks
Market conditions and investor appetite.
Promethean, one of two companies that dominate the global interactive whiteboard market, is currently widely installed in UK school classrooms and has been working hard to develop a listing plan, but it may delay the official announcement of its initial public offering (IPO)
Following last week's new look, Merlin Entertainment and Travelport, they pulled out of the stock market --Market start.
As with last week's business, a large part of Promethean's equity is owned by private equity, and Apax Partners won 25 of the company in 2004, eight years after its establishment.
However, Apax is considered to be relaxed about the prospect of a successful listing, which will enable it to realize the value of its entire stake.
Crucially, Promethean made £ 26 in 2008 and released some data last year-there was no debt on the shoulders of some other listed companies.
The growth prospects of the business may also stimulate investor interest.
The UK was an early adop in interactive whiteboard technology, which is currently available in about classrooms in the UK.
However, it seems that other countries are now imitating the example of the UK, where Promethean has just spent a breakthrough year in North America and built influence in a range of European countries, as well as in the Far East.
Promethean has also developed a number of hand-held devices for children that have proven to be more and more popular with teachers.
The third thread in the product line is Promethean Planet, an online community that enables teachers from around the world to communicate on topics such as lesson plans.
Tony Ken, founder of the business, still holds a stake in Promethean 50, although it is now chaired by Graham Howe, one of the founders of mobile devices
Mobile giant Orange.
Its chief executive, Jean-
Yves shalier, former CEO, foal Telecom.
While Promethean and its advisers, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Cazenove, have received positive comments from investors, they need to remain courageous in order to get out of the market.
Except for three high-
A typical case last week showed that as many as 10 companies were thought to have suspended their IPO plans in recent weeks, as is the case with concerns about weak investor confidence.
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