reconceptualising interactivity around interactive whiteboards from cultural historical activity the

reconceptualising interactivity around interactive whiteboards from cultural historical activity theory perspective - interactive whiteboard technology

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-24
reconceptualising interactivity around interactive whiteboards from cultural historical activity theory perspective  -  interactive whiteboard technology
This article provides
The concept of interactive whiteboards.
Literature implies two dimensions of interaction in learning situations --
Technical interaction and teaching interaction.
From the perspective of the theory of cultural and historical activities, the interaction in the learning situation is increasingly dependent on the goals of the activities and the social culture and social and historical practices of the participants living and learning.
In this paper, the "interaction" is re-conceptualized by taking into account the socio-cultural and socio-historical factors of participants, classroom communities and tools "(IWBs)-
This has not been done before in educational technology research, especially IWBs.
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