rms networks announces alliance with minicom - digital signage player-ITATOUCH-img

rms networks announces alliance with minicom - digital signage player

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-01
rms networks announces alliance with minicom  -  digital signage player
RMS Network announces alliance with small RMS network(RMS)
Announced today that they decided to align with digital signage giant Minicom in various marketing efforts.
October 13, 2008 (PowerHomeBiz )-
Fort Lauderdale, Florida--
RMS network(RMS)
Announced today that they decided to align with digital signage giant Minicom in various marketing efforts.
Minicom will host a series of key webinars in the coming months.
The first show of the series called "enable your network" is scheduled to take place at noon on November 14.
RMS fully integrates the control of the minicomputer digital signage distribution system DS Vision®3000, become their latest and most innovative product ---
A proprietary digital content and advertising platform for Rms solutions. (
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