samsung unveils galaxy note - tablet and pen-ITATOUCH-img

samsung unveils galaxy note - tablet and pen

by:ITATOUCH     2020-05-16
samsung unveils galaxy note  -  tablet and pen
Samsung has now announced a new tablet and smartphone hybrid Galaxy Note, an Android system based on stylus input, as the name suggests.
The movement of the Galaxy Note is unprecedented. 3-inch HD (
1280x800 Super AMOLED 285ppi screen)
Display and secure as a device between a tablet and a smartphone.
The device includes S Pen stylus, which should be easily placed in your shirt pocket, according to Samsung.
The Galaxy Note will be driven by 1. 4 GHz dual-
Core processor supported by 1 gb ram, running Android 2. 3. 4 Gingerbread.
This tablet-
The smartphone hybrid also includes an 8-pixel rear camera, a 2-pixel front camera, and a TouchWiz 4.
0 UI, LTE/HSPA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3
0 and GPS connection.
There is no message about device availability. --
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