schools begin shift to ebooks - electronic boards for classrooms-ITATOUCH-img

schools begin shift to ebooks - electronic boards for classrooms

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-10
schools begin shift to ebooks  -  electronic boards for classrooms
Soon, the school's children may not know the fun of playing book cricket, or graffiti on the edge of the textbook for a few hours, the school slowly eliminated paper books in the classroom and library, for Electronicalternatives.
Many schools equipped with smart boards for young classes are trying to reduce the backpack load of students.
"Many textbooks now have CDs, and not only do CDs have texts, but there are a few additional materials.
Instead of asking students to bring their books, we show them the content on the smart board and they can leave the books at home, "J.
Said Ajeeth Prasath Jain, senior principal of Rajaji Vidyashram of Bhavan. P.
Vishnupriya from Adyar said her daughter Radhika began to master concepts faster in this form of teachinglearning.
"There are a lot of videos, especially in science and English, which makes it easy for my daughter to understand," she said . ".
Despite the fact that many textbooks come with CDS, senior students are still forced to carry books to school.
"When my daughter moved to sixth grade, the weight of her backpack increased dramatically.
For most days she carried a bag of about 8 to 10 kilograms.
There are two or three textbooks in some subjects.
Priya from mogap pair said.
Some schools are going further, such as the Hindustan International School, which is building libraries with e-books instead of physical books.
"Although there are a lot of books in our library, we also have iPads that encourage children to read.
We have more than 50,000 books, many of which are interactive books that seem to be useful to students, "R.
Sivasankari, ICT teacher at the school, said.
While books seem to be phased out in the next decade or so, educators think there is still a long way to go.
"We have some concerns about e-books, including the pressure on children to stare at the eyes of the screen all day long," S.
Amudha Lakshmi, principal of Chettinad Vidyashram, said only a small number of publishers provided high-quality CDs and textbooks.
While many schools are turning to electronic content, trends in some of them seem to be turning to another way.
Ezhil Mathi, a mentor teacher trainer at APL Global, said they were introducing the classroom library to provide storybooks for each topic they introduced in class.
"It is important to stimulate the child's senses.
"It's important to touch and even smell the book," she said . ".
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