single-sex schools planned in georgia - smart board in school

by:ITATOUCH     2019-07-06
single-sex schools planned in georgia  -  smart board in school
Nearly 40 years after the rural county of Georgia stopped dividing schools by race, it wanted to divide students again --
This is sex.
Green County will become the first school district in the country to be completely single
Men and women make love in different classrooms
Over the years, because of poor exam results, soaring drop-out rates, and the large number of teenage pregnancies, this behavior stems from despair.
"At our pace, we will never be able to catch up," Superintendent Sean mccullow told parents in an impassioned speech last week.
"If we are going to take some steps, let's take some big steps. "This pine-
In recent years, the hanging county of about 14,400 people between Atlanta and Augusta has become a magnet for retirees to enter the luxury development along Lake ocono.
But the vast majority of long-term residents
Most of the 2,000 students in the county school
It's a black working class.
About 70% of Green County is black.
McCollough pointed out that research has shown that boys and girls learn differently, saying that separating them can allow teachers to customize their courses.
Also, the boys won't have that much misconduct because they no longer try to impress the girls, he said, the girls are more likely to speak loudly in class, because they are not afraid to look smart in front of the boys.
The school's board's move to overhaul the system next fall angered parents, students and teachers, who said they had not been consulted.
One of the nation's most important single supporters
Sex education warned that the committee was doing too much.
The measure approved two weeks ago applies to high schools, secondary schools and two primary schools.
It is free from kindergartens and charter schools, which are public but operate independently.
"I'm angry," said Tammy Freeman, who has two children in high school.
"I am disgusted.
It makes our country look like trouble when our children are away.
"Leonard Sachs, head of the national single sex education association, said that while single
Sex schools and classrooms are increasing and he knows that no other community has changed the whole school system.
He called the move illegal.
Single under federal law
Sex classrooms or schools, but parents also have to choose public-funded co-education for their children, Sachs said.
"This is the worst publicity for our campaign," he said . ".
"It missed the whole point.
Our actions are choices.
Not suitable for all sizes.
Even a primary school district needs to offer options.
S. Department of Education spokesman Samara yudov said officials "don't have enough facts to determine if the region is in compliance with federal law ".
Regions across the United States have turned to single
Since 2006, federal officials issued regulations to relax sex education.
There are at least 366 public schools nationwide
Sex or single
Sex classroom, says Sachs.
In Green County, boys and girls will be in separate classrooms in primary schools.
Boys and girls from grades 7 to 12 will attend different schools respectively.
There may be some elective courses and extra-curricular activities such as ROTC and band.
The charter school, Lake oconey College, will continue to work together;
A committee of parents and community leaders.
Last fall, charter schools opened in protests by black citizens, who said it would bring back apartheid as the school has a fixed enrollment area dominated by white peopleto-do lakefront.
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