smart board 2000i: rear projection. (new products). - dvit smart board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-22
smart board 2000i: rear projection. (new products).  -  dvit smart board
Www. intelligent technologysmarttech.
Hardware, $12,999 (
Education Grants are available to eligible institutions)
This mobile interactive whiteboard features 66 "shadows-free, touch-
Highly sensitive display-
Adjustable screen.
2000 I includes with extension-
Free software upgrades and life lights.
It also has DviT (
Digital visual touch)
Technology that allows teachers to access, control, or write computer applications and save notes to a single file.
Users can use the provided stylus or finger to write on any app in electronic ink.
Information Circle 519 [
Slightly] Illustrations
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