soon, electronic board games - electronic board for teaching-ITATOUCH-img

soon, electronic board games - electronic board for teaching

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-15
soon, electronic board games  -  electronic board for teaching
Experts at Queen's University, Ontario, Canada will transform the traditional table games into video games.
Experts at Queen's University, Ontario, Canada will transform the traditional table games into video games.
The technology developed by computer college graduates Mike Rooke and Professor Vertegaal will make it possible for friends and family to sit around the table and play video games like board games.
The new electronic system looks like a set of white cardboard hexagon, similar to the game board of The Catan Settlers.
However, with the help of the overhead camera and projector, each cardboard becomes Mini
A computer capable of displaying video images.
Camera tracking and projection enable HML researchers to predict Technology 5-
10 years later, when thin
The organic LED screen for movies will make this board game practical.
Roel Vertegaal, associate professor at Queen's Human Media Lab, said: "We are just starting to think," What can we do with these new screens if they exist ? " This is undoubtedly the future of board games.
At the same time, HML students Eric Akaoka and Professor Vertegaal are also studying the display object, which will allow any object to become a computer.
The Display objects Workbench allows designers to carve future devices from interactive foam plastics that instantly Display images, allowing users to evaluate at stages earlier than currently possible.
Vertegaal concluded: "In the near future, a computer will have any shape or form, the iPhone-
Just like any product will start to show up with a computer monitor.
Projecting and tracking objects is just the beginning.
These organic user interfaces will be embedded in real-world interactions.
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