state-of-the-art digital signage boards to come up at visakhapatnam railway station | visakhapatnam

state-of-the-art digital signage boards to come up at visakhapatnam railway station | visakhapatnam news - times of india - digital sign board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-17
state-of-the-art digital signage boards to come up at visakhapatnam railway station | visakhapatnam news - times of india  -  digital sign board
VISAKHAPATNAM: there will be states at Visakhapatnam railway station-of-the-
Art Digital Signage (DSBs)
Improve the station platform passenger communication system.
The boards will be displayed on the five main gates of the station as well as on the Gnanapuram side.
Secunderabad train station has a DSB like this, but it is not as advanced as the DSB that will be installed in the Visakhapatnam train station in a week.
Toi ms Mathur, railway manager, Waltair division, said that we will install five such DSBs at the five gates of the station, and all the necessary information will be placed on a board.
This is a new initiative that will start at the train station this fiscal year, which will soon be labeled as a South Coast Railway area.
A senior railway official involved in the project said the size of each board would be 10x8 feet.
All boards are color coded.
For example, the yellow color will show the road to the parking facility, and the red color will show the road to an emergency such as an ambulance or a train station.
Green will be shown to all food and beverage stores, and pink will guide people towards restaurants inside and outside the station, using light blue to indicate escalators, and using dark blue to indicate restrooms.
Passengers will be able to identify all locations in the facility by looking at the digital signage at the entrance to the station.
Therefore, railway officials told TOI that the committee will help passengers determine the route of various passenger transport facilities within the station leading to the eight platforms.
Another railway officer in the business department said that we will allow advertising on these boards, and the cost and maintenance of these boards will be borne entirely by the railway.
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