tablet as flexible as paper to debut at ces - interactive touchscreen whiteboard display-ITATOUCH

tablet as flexible as paper to debut at ces - interactive touchscreen whiteboard display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-06
tablet as flexible as paper to debut at ces  -  interactive touchscreen whiteboard display
Intel and Plastic Logic electronics are working together to develop a tablet that is as flexible as paper.
PaperTab, which will debut at International CES on Tuesday, is a tablet with a curved touch screen and 10. 7-inch high-
Resolution display.
The two companies are working with Queen's University of Canada, which has developed tablets in their Human Media Lab.
The user can break down the PaperTab according to the video and control certain functions by bending the display, such
Forward the video by bending the corner of the display.
However, PaperTab's mechanism is quite unusual compared to traditional tablets or computers.
PaperTab users have multiple interactive monitors instead of several apps on one monitor.
For emails, a separate display acts as an inbox, a box, and a compose mail field.
When a user wants to read an email, they click on the inbox to display the message in a separate tab.
"Compared to today's standard glass, they allow natural human interaction with electronic paper, lighter, thinner and stronger
"Based on the display," Indro Mukerjee, CEO of Plastic Logic, said in a statement . ".
"This is just an example of innovative revolutionary design methods brought about by flexible presentation.
"No details are given when a flexible display may eventually fall into the hands of the consumer.
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