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taking comics back to the drawing board - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-09
taking comics back to the drawing board  -  online drawing board
New York-like Charlie Brown would do when he was frustrated in a baseball game, funny fans looking for news fresh content might shout "rat!
"The current state is brewing a debate --and future —of the funnies.
Some pop culture experts and cartoonists warn that comics are an art form that is dying out because of the outdated --
Like the blonde, the Beetle Bailey, the peanuts, Dick Tracy, and the terrible summer armor --
Most of the space on the newspaper page is available.
Coury Turczyn, editor of PopCult, an online pop culture magazine, said: "Real creativity has stalled over the past decade . ".
"Compared to finding new talent, the existing system rewards old and fairly outdated comics.
"Newspaper editors and syndicate agree that the field is competitive, but they say they make room for new banners every year.
"We did some experiments," said Mi.
San Francisco Chronicle art and close-up deputy editor-in-chief Ai Parrish.
She said that 60% of the comic books in the newspaper are modern.
Including Blur, variation, boonsocks and Baby Blues
40% is retro.
"Newspapers are running newspapers that people want to read," she said . "
"They are still very popular even if they are older, or the artist is dead, or they don't look relevant.
"In order for the cartoonist to succeed, he or she must be jointly issued by King Features, United Media, or one of the other specialties in the industry.
The newspaper must then purchase and publish it.
Editor Jay Kennedyin-
The head of King Features said that since the syndicate sales staff needed time to get in-
Some people sell to 1,550 daily newspapers across the country, and King only accepts two or three new newspapers a year.
In more than 6,000 annual submissions.
"It's hard for cartoonists to break through syndicate," he said . "
"But contrary to the public's understanding, there are now more new products than they launched 30 years ago.
In this regard, there are more opportunities for the new cartoonist.
Still, artist Dan Killeen, like The New Yorker, recently submitted his third article, Steve's life, to syndicate, saying it was hard to notice, or even harder to be marketed or published.
"It's frustrating," says 31-year-old Killeen . " He has been doing it for nearly ten years.
"I don't expect it to pay my rent.
I blame the newspaper and syndicate.
They want to sell with what they know is safe.
"Experts believe that the increase in paper costs, the shrinking of newspapers and the recession are factors that lead to fund cuts.
"The space for making comics is limited --
Less than 50 years ago, "Kennedy said.
Two less-
Paper cities and a large number of newspapers have reduced the size of their pages.
"This is a double blow to up --and-
According to Turczyn, the upcoming talent.
"You 've been hit twice: editors who don't want to venture into new things and are happy to make money from old comics that have been around for decades," he said.
Editors admit that profit is a factor, but they think it is hypocritical to blame others on this issue.
"There's a bottom --
"The line component," said parriish.
But the artists have a bottom.
Line Assembly.
"In addition, readers are very picky about funny girls," she said.
Some people buy newspapers for comics.
It's a huge controversy whenever you change them.
People like their comics very much.
Others think nostalgia kills art.
"For a young cartoonist to see even after [veteran]
"The cartoonist is dead and they continue to run his old clothes," turqin said . ".
"This is one of the most primitive art forms in the United States;
Newspaper editors and syndicate are slowly killing it.
Nevertheless, aspiring artists should not give up hope.
Like four straps. year-
The old Zits did a very good job, and other Zits in infancy were also recognized.
"The new article can be successful," Kennedy said . "
"The new cartoonist must do better.
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