teaching the right way to write - an interactive whiteboard-ITATOUCH-img

teaching the right way to write - an interactive whiteboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-18
teaching the right way to write  -  an interactive whiteboard
The cursive script hangs a circle in a classroom in Southern Maryland.
The primary school transcript shows that the days of calligraphy have passed.
Although cursive is still taught, as students write more homework on their computers, cursive has replaced the emphasis on keyboard skills.
"I think it is still necessary," said Elizabeth sevello, principal of Greenview Knolls primary school, when talking about the cursive . ".
"People should have a choice.
Servello said she found it easier and faster to write a cursive than to write a block letter.
Third, Mary Hafner.
A grade teacher at St. Greenville.
Mary's County, teach her class cursive books for 15 to 30 minutes a few times a week.
"This is a big exercise," she said . ".
The time of the week is about the same as the other third hour.
Other teachers say Grade courses in the state.
They said it took less time than it did 10 or 20 years ago.
Hafner does not require students to write regular homework for cursive writing;
She asked them to decide whether they preferred printing or cursive.
When Hafner recently wrote neat and legible letters on the interactive whiteboard in her classroom, she told her class, "Today we will be working on lowering
Case "h", looks much like lower-
I don't know unless you put that hump in. ”The 8-and 9-year-
The children were instructed to write 10 letters in three lines;
In a few seconds, some people began to take out the big pink eraser to fix the error.
Some students soon learned the skill, Hafner said.
Others can learn to improve the cursive by practicing.
"I like it," says Jocelyn fenich, 9 . ".
She said she has been waiting for a year or two to learn about cursive writing, adding that it is more novel than printing.
"This is something to look forward.
"It's a passing ceremony," says Leanne Meisinger, head of English and language arts at Calvert Count school primary school . ".
Most Maryland schools introduced cursive in the second half of the second grade, but did not delve into calligraphy until the third grade.
"Teachers choose how to teach," said Meighan Hungerford, a reading expert at Charles County public schools . ".
"They continue to strengthen this, but it is not a formal teaching at a later primary school stage," she said . ".
The new Common Core national standards are being implemented in about 30 states to better balance school curriculum and comparison results, but do not specifically include cursive teaching.
Countries that adopt common courses can add more criteria if they choose.
Maryland signed the federal initiative last year and is turning to the new curriculum.
"We did put it back in the fifth grade," said Kathy laurizen, MD, coordinator of Reading, English and language arts education.
"The research on it is very scattered.
According to the Common Core state curriculum framework in Maryland, second-year students in Maryland are expected to "write clear words, including the correct formation of cursive letters ".
According to the teacher's curriculum, to the third, fourth and fifth grades, students should apply the cursive writing skills neatly and clearly "when handwriting is better or technology is not available.
This opens the door for students to type their homework instead of cursive writing.
Laurie said she occasionally received phone calls from parents who were worried that the school would lose her cursive.
"I think it still needs to be there," she said . ".
"We don't want people to be held back because they don't understand.
"You received that letter from grandma, and you want to read it," said Laurie . ".
Some schools and school systems, including the Indiana Department of Education, have completely abandoned the request for cursive.
This summer, in the revision of the Indiana course, there is no mention of learning or using cursive, but rather the desire for students to be proficient in keyboard manipulation skills.
Schools and regions in Indiana are still likely to teach cursive.
"We do need keyboard manipulation skills to keep us in the 21 st century," Meisinger said . ".
But she said that writing, including cursive books, helps children develop motor skills when they are young, and is able to write easily, which enables children in senior primary school to focus on what they describe.
She acknowledged that some parents and educators were in favor of continuing the teaching of cursive, while others opposed the teaching of cursive.
"If we don't teach it, it may disappear," she said . ".
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