the best decluttering advice we've heard - where to buy a smart board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-21
the best decluttering advice we\'ve heard  -  where to buy a smart board
In order to keep the confusion, understand your confusion --
Home for free, you first need to find the root cause of things piling up.
Neat Method founders Molly Graves and Ashley Murphy think that most people belong to the following chaotic personalities: too busy = too many extra things: you buy items you already have, because you don't have a system to store them, or the time to search for all possible storage points when you need to find something quickly.
Constant worry = must save everything: you are worried that you may need something in the future, so you save everything just in case.
Overwhelmed in life = overwhelmed at home: you don't know where to start --
So you just live in chaos.
By identifying the categories you fit in, you can avoid your weaknesses. 2.
When you go through your home sso, ask yourself 3 questions and the first step to resolving the confusion is to write down your favorite package --rat phrases.
The top three of my clients are: "I have to go through these", "someone can use these" and "but I need it!
"Unless you use the relevant object at least once a year, this sigh of justice is actually a symptom of dysfunction.
Obeying these protests will always put you in a state of transition and imbalance.
Instead, use your analytical skills to overcome the original logic of these phrases.
The most common answer when I ask clients what they want is "peace", "space" and "freedom ".
"The chaos has made it impossible for us to achieve these goals, and we spent hundreds of billions of dollars on bigger houses.
Empty space is more valuable.
Mentally and physically
Almost more than any object.
Keep this in mind, walk into any room in your home and focus on 10 random objects.
Ask yourself when you think about each (1)
Do I really need it? ; (2)
Do I really like it? ; and, (3)
Will I sacrifice my inner peace for this?
The answer can help you control your bag.
The impulse of the mouse lets you leave and move on. —
Life Coach, Martha Baker, author of find your own POLARIS 3. Do the 10-
Minutes of exercise (
Also known as "garbage bag Tango ")
If you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start, here's a technique that will help you eat it slowly.
I call it the garbage bag Tango, that's it. 1.
You have two garbage bags and the idea here is to get rid of the sundries on the surface of your home. 2.
In the first place where you put the garbage
In the second bag you put something for charity or yard sale, the book you read or the clothes that no longer fit you ,-
And anything else you want to take out of the house.
If you do this simple 10-
During the week, you will find that the daily routine is different.
Do it every day for two weeks and everyone will notice the difference.
Do this every day for a month and you will really get rid of the chaos. —
Peter Walsh, the master of organization and author of Lost chaos, lost importance.
Please do not start the mail if you cannot complete it.
You can't cut the chicken at dinner and tidy up the bill at the same time, so when you walk into the front door with a stack of mail, put it in the basket for this purpose, you have a convenient box or any container.
Don't you have such a container?
No wonder there are so many emails around your house.
When you're ready, take your mail basket wherever you handle paperwork.
First of all, take out the notices and leaflets and put them aside;
You either clip the coupons or put them in the recycle bin --later.
Also put the directory aside.
If you are buying something specific, please save them. (
Warning: No multiples.
The new directory replaces the old one and the old one is recycled. )
If you get the directory you never wanted in the first place, pull down the page with the mailing tag and put it aside;
This is a project for future action.
Then separate the rest: Bill, personal letter, time
Sensitive invitations, requests for charitable donations, renewal of membership, new credit card offers, and more.
Open the bills first because they represent a relationship that must be fulfilled;
You have to pay for these services if you want them.
All the fillings that say "you are selected to receive these free gifts" go to the recycle bin.
All you need is the bill and the return envelope.
Put aside any invitation;
You will transfer this information to your calendar later and send your reply.
If you have a room in your home office, there are small bins to store bills, invitations and letters that you keep.
You can read your magazine when you finish sorting it out.
Or call the companies that sent the back pages that you ripped off and tell them what you don't want --their catalogs. (
You can also log in to the directory selection.
Org, a free service that prevents these unwanted messages from being sent to you. )—
Andrew Melen, professional organizer and author of Make your life better.
Consider your washing machine: you will never fill it with dirty clothes, let it run for 20 minutes, then turn it off and let the clothes sit for two days.
This will create a mess of stinking mess!
The same is true of our daily life: we give up halfway.
That's why it's important to complete each cycle.
For example, if you bring a dirty plate into the kitchen, don't put it on the counter
Put it in the dishwasher!
When you put on your sportswear after work, don't throw your skirt on the bed
Hang it in the closet. . . .
Each of these tasks takes about a minute, which is the smallest compared to the time you wasted looking for a skirt later. —Peter Walsh6.
Before further notice, remember the initials Acronym of the clean house and don't go out and buy anything new and unnecessary --
No retail therapy, no "great deals" and no sales!
Instead, use F to clear as much clutter as possible as quickly as possibleA. S. T. method. Here’s a step-by-
Steps breakdown on how to clean the house and organize it. F: Fix a time.
Schedule a time suitable for all participants.
Cleaning up is a family affair, so schedule your kick to start and get everyone to join in so everyone has to be present!
Set aside Saturday, Sunday or a few hours a day to start the process.
A: something that has not been used in 12 months.
Face it: If you haven't used anything in the past year, you're unlikely to really need it, or you'll never get enough of it to justify it messing up your home.
Risk throwing it away!
Ask yourself these questions when you encounter every mess: do I use this?
How long has it been since I used it?
Will I use it again?
Is the space occupied in my house worth it?
Remember: The purpose is to get things out of the house instead of moving to another room.
You will be surprised by the large number of unused and unwanted items in your home.
Don't take the time to make up reasons to keep these things.
Other people's things.
It's bad enough when clutter is your own, but when clutter belongs to someone else, it's totally crazy.
There shouldn't be anything in your house that doesn't belong to you.
If it's something you borrowed, return it.
If you 've ended a relationship or divorced, it's time to let go of your ex's property.
If your child has set up their own family, it's time for them to pack up. T: Trash.
The trash can is your friend.
You're a very hungry friend.
Take pride in what you throw away and make it fun.
Compete with your family to see who has voted the most or award the best purger.
Remember the goal: you just want to keep what makes sense to your space. —Peter Walsh7.
Your home is not a museum.
Many people agree that you are obligated to keep your great unwritten rules --
Aunt's dish, even if you don't like it, is just because she used it.
But maybe you're great.
Aunts don't like them either, and they feel too guilty about letting them go.
Things don't have to be yours just because they belong to a relative.
You are not living her life, and you are not a bad person who gives away the inheritance.
If you get something worth the money, you may feel financially constrained: "This is the real silver --
I can't give it away. ” Yes, you can.
Donate it, record its value and deduct it from your taxes.
Or give it to another family member who really likes it.
Or sell on eBay.
If you like enough to save it, consider that it is a replacement, not a supplement --
Keep Grandma's reading light, but donate the one you already have.
Souvenirs in your life are hard to separate because you revisit the story when you see them: it's cashmere V-for you-
The neck you wear on your first date will become your husband;
For others, this is just an old sweater full of holes.
The key to separating from suspended items is not to replay that story.
Leave the room and come back and see what you really insist on
A sweater that looks better.
Rule of thumb: let go if it doesn't work. —Andrew Mellen8.
Smart way to turn over all the clothes that hang in your closet so that the hanger will face the back --to-front.
For the next six months, if you wear a dress, put it back in the closet and the hanger is in the right direction.
If you try it on and decide not to wear it, make sure you put it back and the hanger turns back --no cheating.
Prepare for shock;
You will find that you have a lot of useless clothes.
You should seriously consider throwing away things you don't wear often. —Peter Walsh9. Try the One-
Month carton test not sure what and nothing you used in the kitchen?
This is a real discovery method that has been tried.
Empty the contents of the kitchen utensils drawer into the carton.
Within a month, only when you take it out of the box and use it, put a vessel back in the drawer.
If it's still in the box after four weeks
You don't need it.
Pass it on to charity. —Peter Walsh10.
Remember this last thought "everyone has a fork position in their house.
If you find a random fork under the bathroom or sofa, you will immediately know that it does not belong there and will put it back in the drawer without any other ideas.
Everything in your life should be so easy to clean up.
If a project does not occupy a specific location when not in use, it becomes confusing. ” —
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