the biggest tv in the world: samsung unveils 34 foot led screen designed to replace cinema projector

the biggest tv in the world: samsung unveils 34 foot led screen designed to replace cinema projectors - digital signage software

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-04
the biggest tv in the world: samsung unveils 34 foot led screen designed to replace cinema projectors  -  digital signage software
Samsung may give an answer if you think your TV is not big enough.
The electronics giant has shown its larger screen for the first time-34-
Foot LED screen designed to replace cinema screen.
Its peak brightness is nearly 10 times higher than the standard cinema projector.
This is the first high dynamic range in the world (HDR)
LED Cinema Display is installed in Lotte Cinema World Tower, South Korea. The 34-foot has a 4K (4,096 x 2,160)
As the cinema screen is usually larger, the picture quality resolution and the size adapted to the modern cinema.
Samsung said it would greatly improve the cinema experience.
With clearer, more authentic colors, complementary audio and higher presentations, our cinema LED screens make the audience feel like they are part of the photo, HS Kim said, president, Visual Display Business, Samsung Electronics.
Lotte theater CEO Cha said that the super cinema is a new model for film screenings.
"We look forward to working with Samsung to launch a new high
The quality technology of the future film industry, we are very happy to improve customer satisfaction through the improvement of the viewing environment, bring a variety of content for life.
"The screen exceeds the specification of the digital film program (DCI)
A joint venture of major film companies to establish a standard architecture for digital cinemas.
With the popularization of advanced technology
Sanjin, vice president of Samsung Electronics America, said that with the increase in home entertainment systems and streaming platforms, cinemas must reposition themselves as a destination for an unparalleled viewing experience, which consumers cannot anywhere else
"Our new film screen technology has brought more powerful and higher
The quality pictures on the big screen create an environment where the audience feels like they are part of each scene.
Direct screen
LED lighting technology allows on
The brightness of the screen reaches nearly ten times the brightness provided by the standard cinema projector (
146-foot Lambert compared to 14-foot Lambert, a unit of measurement of light intensity).
Samsung claims that the screen has no optical distortion and interference and provides a highly accurate and superior color presentation.
There are complementary super on the screen
Contrast and low-tone grayscale settings enable it to display bright colors and the deepest black with almost unlimited: 1 contrast.
The screen will also match the sound system of Haman professional solutions Film Group and Samsung audio lab.
Samsung claims that no matter what the content is played, the screen maintains its advanced demo function under ambient lighting conditionsscreen.
"The launch of our cinema LED display is just the latest step in our vision to achieve a complete terminal --to-
Seog says terminal cinema experience powered by digital signage
Gi Kim, senior vice president, Visual Display Business, Samsung Electronics.
Through modern technology, from touchscreen self-
Samsung is already helping cinemas increase customer engagement and operational efficiency.
We look forward to continuing to provide an overall solution for the theater industry and looking for new and exciting ways to improve the customer experience.
The screen is currently undergoing DCI certification and has recently completed compliance testing at Keio University in Tokyo.
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