the photographic sketchpad: craig cutler brings science to life - sketch pad for pc

by:ITATOUCH     2020-04-26
the photographic sketchpad: craig cutler brings science to life  -  sketch pad for pc
Showing the science story of National Geographic by photography may be an attempt.
As an advanced picture editor for the magazine, my process begins with exhaustive research;
Identify key researchers;
Finally, contact them to explore their wonderful thoughts.
Better to visit them).
When it's all done, start translating science into a visual narrative and start working with photographers.
The next green revolution in National Geographic's October issue is a good example.
I'm happy to work with photographer Craig Cutler
Famous concept photographer and director based in New York City.
His editorial and advertising works include clients such as IBM, Starbucks, MTV, NASCAR, the New York Times Magazine, Mr. fashion and Bon appy. ©Tit for tat.
The difference between Craig and all the other photographers I work with is that he uses his handsdrawn sketches.
"I took a picture in my mind almost through my sketch," Cutler said . ".
Although he doesn't think they're works of art, it's a tool that lets you do whatever I'm sure to do.
After graduating from a degree in graphic design, he set aside his painting skills and began his photography career in assisting studio photographers in New York City.
But just four years ago, he rediscovered his potential talents and began to use his painting skills to conceive, brainstorm and imagine his own ideas.
It took me a while to realize how good it was for me to explain my ideas to my clients, he said.
So in the last three or four years, I have gone around and made more sketches.
It started with the IBM intelligence movement I was involved in.
They asked me to find a way.
So I started drawing hundreds of sketches for them.
I'm doing it all the time.
Especially in my personal work, I take things out, take things out, and then I decide if I will continue to move in that direction.
This is a good process.
'I can tell you right away if this will continue,' Mr. Cutler said.
He said: "I recently made a commercial advertisement in Los Angeles, I often walk around with a clipboard with a sketch pad, and I often draw things out, which is what I do.
He sketch in black. and-White and colored.
But when the photo matches his sketch, Cutler doesn't necessarily like it.
I honestly don't think it's a good thing.
I hope photography will rise to another level.
I think the sketch should be the sketch and the last thing should be more.
Sometimes I get really frustrated that it's too literal.
I think I copied too much and let myself down a bit.
I asked him what he suggested to the young photographer.
Everyone can take a great picture, he says, but unless you have a concept behind the picture, you won't remember it.
I have done a lot of teaching work, and many people outside school are very difficult.
They can do anything on the computer, but they can't write an idea on paper.
Their biggest problem is. .
They always come to me and ask, how did you come up with an idea?
I try to teach how to come up with an idea;
How to read something and how to come up with a concept.
Cutler said it was great for me to write a National Geographic story and travel to the Philippines and all the other places, but my favorite part was to sit and draw the paintings.
This is my favorite part.
Author Note: I would like to thank the following and their organizations for all their help with photography in this article: Colin Curry, guest researcher at the International Tropical Agriculture Centre;
Janelle Jung, science education and communication consultant, and all researchers at the International Rice Institute (IRRI);
The State University of Kansas, bicham Gill and Duan Wilson;
Kara Rob, Donald Danfoss center for plant science;
David Hall and Ed StoverS.
Fort Pierce Garden Laboratory, Florida.
See more pictures and read the next green revolution in the October 2014 issue of National Geographic.
This story is part of a special eight-part national geographer.
Month "The Future of Food" series.
Follow Craig cutler's work on his website.
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