the way hackers will try to attack canadian businesses in 2017 - smart board remote

by:ITATOUCH     2020-03-09
the way hackers will try to attack canadian businesses in 2017  -  smart board remote
Mary Ann Yule, HP's president, praised this.
When something catches your eye, you sit in the office and stare out the window --a drone.
You watched it for a few minutes and then went back to work soon.
It all looks innocent, but what you don't notice is the little hacking device installed on the drone.
During the short time you watched, a hacker used the device to remotely load malware onto a smart light bulb in your company.
In the blink of an eye, the malware wirelessly travels from one bulb to the next, and so on, based only on physical proximity.
This is exactly what researchers at the University of darhousi, Nova Scotia, Canada, and the Weizman Institute of Science in Israel recently demonstrated when they sent worms to Philips tone smart lights through drones, which is
These findings highlight a very important point.
Today's hackers are very innovative and adaptable.
Every time a business implements more security, hackers evolve and find new, more creative ways to attack.
The world is becoming more interconnected due to the Internet of Things (IoT)
For hackers, the easier it is to attack security holes.
For Canadian businesses with an average data breach cost of more than $6 million, the best defense is for serious violations.
Being aware of any potential security breach is critical to mitigate or even prevent cyber attacksattack.
The following are some of the security threats that business leaders need to pay attention to in 2017: drones have the ability to fly independently or through remote control, and drones are the main targets of being hacked or providing delivery mechanisms in attacks.
By using them to invade a single smart office device, hackers can easily facilitate targeted physical and logical attacks.
These attacks may include hijacking a company's smart device as a ransom, or using a smart device as an entry point into the company's network.
Protect all network security anywayconnected end-
Point devices are critical to reducing this risk.
In today's office environment, any number of IoT devices can be used, whether it's smart boards, printers, thermostats, or even video conferencing cameras.
Without proper security, these connected devices can provide hackers with gateways to access the company's network.
Unfortunately, many people
The point device is ignored.
According to HP's recent internal data
IDC Canada commissioned a survey of 150 Canadian IT security decision makers, with participants reporting security violations involving printers.
Almost all documents considered to contain sensitive or private information are included.
High last year
Printer hacking at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver where students and faculty hate literature is just an example.
Nowadays, the printer is not the only device on the hacker's radar.
Increasingly popular wearables such as fitness trackers and smartwatches are also a goal when worn in office environments.
Researchers at the University of Toronto said last year that there were some security holes in the devices.
Because they pass unencrypted information to other systems, hackers can use this information to indirectly connect to a commercial network.
Any information exposed by wearable devices can be used free of charge for hackers.
Mitigate threats to terminals
User devices such as printers or notebooks need terminals
Point security with a mechanism to prevent theft of unencrypted data-either static or non-encrypted
Sterilized storage.
Also, consider using only IoT devices with powerful device security and authentication technologies to prevent credentials from being stolen.
As for wearable devices, protecting the connection between individual and corporate systems requires a strong device management strategy that is regulated to ensure that employees comply with that policy as well as antivirus and endpoint security.
A visual hacker attack can happen far away from an ATM because people make mistakes;
They turn on the computer screen or put the password on the sticky note.
Employees may also work remotely at a local coffee shop to have someone look on their shoulders and collect valuable company data that will be useful in future hacking attempts.
This is called a "visual hacker" and is not easy to guard against.
This is also a very effective strategy used by some hackers.
According to Ponemon's global visual hacking experiment report, global visual hacking attempts have been successful in obtaining sensitive information.
Educating employees and ensuring that they comply with basic safety procedures and policies is key to overcoming this threat.
This may include guidelines on setting up strong passwords and changing passwords on a regular basis, implementing a clean desk policy, and requiring employees to use the password manager and turn off their computers when leaving their desks.
However, the most effective way is to use the privacy screen technology built directly into the notebook display.
Privacy Screen technology currently exists in notebook devices to ensure that users see content in front of the screen while minimizing what others see from the side.
The road consists of 30 to 100 electronic systems that communicate with each other, and connected cars are basically computer systems on wheels.
Once a hacker enters a system, they can quickly take over other systems.
Last year, Chinese researchers were best about one of them --
Sales of electric vehicles
Tesla Model S-
Remote control of its brake system, door lock, side
Rearview mirror, Skylight, suitcase, etc.
This poses a significant security risk for businesses that use connected cars to provide commercial/consumer services or manage fleets and logistics.
Hackers can use it as an entry point to the enterprise network and control business data.
One way to mitigate this threat is to use more
Factor certification (MFA).
Similar to the concept of protecting the other end-
Point device, MFA is a security system that uses more than one authentication method from the independent certificate category to verify the identity of the user. Cyber-
Attacks are costly and increasingly frequent in business environments.
Hackers are turning to "visual hackers" and new terminal-oriented technologies.
Point devices because they can be attacked quickly and easily to get a generous monetary return.
Business leaders need to arm themselves with the knowledge they need to eliminate security holes and defeat attacks before they happen.
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