turn your skin into a screen with a super-thin digital display - digital display-ITATOUCH-img

turn your skin into a screen with a super-thin digital display - digital display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-11
turn your skin into a screen with a super-thin digital display  -  digital display
Forgot the smart watch. A super-
Thin electronic skin can turn the back of your hand into a digital display. Similare-
I have done the skin before, but it is only 3 microns thick, which is by far the thinnest.
It is also more durable.
Produced by Takao Someya of the University of Tokyo and his team
The skin can be placed on the actual skin anywhere in the body.
It looks like a layer of plastic food packaging, which is flexible enough to not break when you move.
Using led for several days, The Monitor also works longer than other devices.
Bright display than existing e-skins.
Sensors connected to the body, electronics
The skin has been used to show a person's pulse and blood oxygen concentration on their hands.
For example, people in hospitals or athletes can use this method during training.
But some people see a wider range of uses.
"Workers will be able to display building plans or electrical drawings on the skin without carrying heavy equipment," he said . ".
The device uses 7-
Segment LED showing a single number or letter (see video).
The team is now working on a display that can display more information. Super-
Thin plastic sheets can replace smartphones, says Someya.
Reference Magazine: Progress in science1126/sciadv.
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