uneven distribution of technology in montgomery highlights disparities in private fundraising for pu

uneven distribution of technology in montgomery highlights disparities in private fundraising for public schools - sharp interactive whiteboard

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-12
uneven distribution of technology in montgomery highlights disparities in private fundraising for public schools  -  sharp interactive whiteboard
When students in Montgomery County return to school at the end of August, many of them will install interactive whiteboards in their classrooms for the first time.
If they go to the school east of Interstate 270, the technology will be more unfamiliar to them than their peers on the other side of the county.
Of the 29 schools that recently received or will receive smart boards in the region for the first time, only 5 primary schools are located in I-270.
The discrepancy highlights the widening class gap in Montgomery, which district and county officials say is exacerbated by private fundraising to pay for public schools.
The area spent millions of dollars buying boards for all primary schools because parents and teachers said parents-
Teachers' associations in the richer areas of their county are raising funds to pay for technology privately.
Uneven distribution of smart boards-
More and more classrooms change the blackboard
This is just one of the reasons the County Council and the Education Commission are now reviewing regional policies that involve privately raised funds to cover the cost of the school's amenities that can give students in the affluent community access to more
School and county officials say the number of high school students has increased dramatically
Dollar, privately funded projects were approved, which also prompted them to consider policy reforms for improvements without taxpayer funding.
This is a map and a list of schools that have received or will receive smart boards for the first time, as the school system has recently taken spending initiatives to acquire technology in all primary schools.
It is expected that all equipment will be installed in the school before the start of the new school year: Bell pre-burned millskandwood CedarCharles R.
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