west vancouvers b-line debate shows why some projects stop at the drawing board - online drawing b

west vancouver's b-line debate shows why some projects stop at the drawing board - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-09
west vancouver\'s b-line debate shows why some projects stop at the drawing board  -  online drawing board
When Mary-
Ann Booth became the mayor of West Vancouver in last October.
There seems to be no dispute over the route bus route through the community.
After all, a few months ago, the council voted in favor of a fast transit line that extends from the foot of the Second Narrows Bridge to the center of West Coast verat 24 Street and Ocean Avenue.
It is based on public planning for transit investments across the region over the years, and neither of Booth's two competitors made it an issue during the campaign.
But just four months after her term, the rally became so strong that the council seemed likely to ask TransLink on Monday to end the new line within a block of West Vancouver Park Royal Mall.
Streets or roads that are easily destroyed?
B-change of West Truck Road
The line buses proving the disputed objections are concentrated on some issues: the station initially planned to be in a location next to the school, which upset parents;
In the vicinity of alamblebleside, the parking lot will be demolished, which makes the enterprise feel uneasy;
Some of the lines will remove the special lanes of the new bus, which makes the drivers uneasy.
In addition, the debate evolved from standard consultations --
Where to revise the proposal after public feedback-
For most projects, the battle of anger and exhaustion usually brings bad luck.
Residents of West Vancouver protest
Booth said after a motion last week that the route bus route "it is in everyone's best interest to make a decision on this as soon as possible . ".
One thing is clear, regardless of Monday's vote: West Vancouver B-
Line case is an example in a textbook that when too many details surprise residents whose lives will change the most due to a proposal, the consultation goes wrong.
"After reflection, we found out afterwards that things didn't go as smoothly as we hoped," Booth said . ".
"Of course, we can do something different.
"With support outside the community, there are a lot of people who think it's a good idea to get to West Vancouver center by bus every 8 minutes.
"Frankly, the transportation system is not enough to actually get anywhere on time," said Joshua Milard, a senior executive at the apilano student union in the northern Vancouver area.
Translink will launch 4 new high-frequency B-
"If you are on the current bus system and miss a bus or your transfer is not going as planned, you have to wait half an hour for the next stop
It just doesn't work.
"In the neighboring city of North Vancouver, Mayor Linda Buchanan can only lament that West Vancouver seems ready to put it in.
"It would be disappointing if it didn't pass all the way," she said . ".
"When the transportation on the north shore is No.
This has been a problem for a lot of people in past campaigns, and our integrated traffic planning project has done a lot of work, you know, and it will be unfortunate.
"To support a B-
Among the mayors, students, planners and city residents outside West Vancouver, bus lines appear to have, and reactions within the community vary.
Some of the opposition is straight forward, while some have evolved into adult-body attacks, as well as inflammatory social media attacks that are more common in big cities, but are relatively rare in West Vancouver.
Some criticism may lead to anger among most people living outside Vancouver's richest city. "The B-
Line bus is a rude intruder [
Greenhouse gases
And muddy boots. There are no B-
Shangri-La bus
"Los Angeles," wrote Paul Sullivan, North Shore News columnist, last week, echoing comments made in several meetings and protests --
Buses are empty most of the time and will only increase carbon emissions. "These people [for it]
No skin in the game.
They have no staff.
They don't pay taxes in West Vancouver.
They have no responsibility for the mortgage, "John Cave said at a council meeting on Monday.
Do what you do.
However, large development and transportation projects are developed ahead of schedule based on regional priorities and careful planning by smart, well-meaning bureaucrats.
But if elected politicians can't lay the groundwork for these projects to get support in their own backyard when the details are announced, things usually grow like West Vancouver.
Subway: explore the whole B on the road. C.
Getting older and olderold issues (
Some are political, some are not)
In their community.
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