why will the blades not engage on a hustler mower - digital display-ITATOUCH-img

why will the blades not engage on a hustler mower? - digital display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-07-09
why will the blades not engage on a hustler mower?  -  digital display
Like any riding mower, the Hustler mower must be properly maintained to work properly.
Starting and running the Hustler mover requires compliance with certain programs that can be found in the owner's manual.
Manually check whether the blade and blade spindle have accumulated dirt and grass crumbs.
The accumulation of dry or wet debris limits the movement of the blade.
The blade spindle Bolt should be tightened once every 100 hours for the first two hours of operation and after.
The spindle shall be tightened to the specified torque value and shall be completed by the professional.
The owner's manual shall provide a torque value diagram.
A curved or damaged blade may fail to engage the blade properly.
Check the blade for damage before cutting the grass and after hitting the rock or other objects.
As an energy-saving function, the blade joining capability will timeout if the machine is idle for too long.
In this case, the digital display code should be "02A54 ".
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