wii: more than just a game - interactive whiteboard supplier-ITATOUCH-img

wii: more than just a game - interactive whiteboard supplier

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-26
wii: more than just a game  -  interactive whiteboard supplier
Do you remember the sensation when Nintendo released the Wii console before Christmas last year?
If you stick your nose on the windows of any computer game store in the UK, you may see enthusiastic lottery people waving around a white device a little larger than your phone.
If you investigate further, you will find that they are playing virtual tennis, or golf or bowling.
This seems to be the climax of interactive computer games.
Sports games have proved to be just the foothills of Wii's ability.
Now, people have seen a variety of possibilities-it's surprising that Nintendo hasn't reached its most amazing use.
Instead, these games are developed by a large number of loyal gamers.
Give them their full name.
The white box used to control the Wii is a hi-
Technology Marvel, a wireless invention with motion detectors and infrared sensors.
Nintendo intends to play the role of a tennis racket or a golf club as people swing around the living room to get the perfect batting effect. But the Wii-
Jackers have other ideas
What do they think if the phone can be used with other gadgets?
What if it could be used to control a computer or vacuum cleaner or even make interactive music?
Mix gadgets for musicians who like to dance at work?
Some 25 million Wii consoles have been sold worldwide, putting a lot of these gadgets in the hands of some creative people.
Their success begins with a revolutionary understanding of the Wii.
The Wii phone, or "Wiimote", is moving not just with buttons and joysticks --sensitive.
It is equipped with an accelerometer, a device that accurately records its speed of travel, with three dimensions: front and back, up and down, left and right, and rotation in any direction.
It also has an infrared camera that calculates where the phone is in space relative to the screen that is playing the game.
Finally, there is a wireless communication that provides all this data to the console.
The Magic result is that the console can detect where the phone is in 3D space and track its relative motion on the screen.
This allows users to click non-
Tennis balls that exist, operating virtual fishing rods, and all the other features of the Wii without physically connecting to the console. The Wii-
Breakthrough progress was made when computer programmers and gamers managed to direct Wiimote's instructions to their own computers.
The console can only run games developed and approved by the manufacturer.
But computers can do more.
It is essential that they can run programs written by independent developers.
In the past year,
These people use the device to perform a variety of performances using their mobile phones.
Some developers have successfully used Wiimotes to control their Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.
Others have installed a system using some independently developed software called DarwiinRemote, so that the controller can scroll the program on an Apple computer with a flick of his wrist.
Johnny Chung Lee, computer engineer at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Wii hero
Top Community, developed the "head-
Track the program.
The software enables the user to create a 3D virtual reality display on the display.
The user is wearing a pair of glasses with two small red-out lights, and the image on the screen changes with each movement of the player's head.
Lee has also designed software that allows people to create interactive whiteboards using their Wiimotes, as well as allowing them-
Screen files are available with just a finger and a little reflective tape.
Think about Tom Cruise moving computer files by hand in the Minority Report.
Computer game company EA has just released a new Wii game designed by Steven Spielberg.
Since it will be released in May, it combines a technique that looks very much like Lee's head
Track the plan.
But maybe the Wii is the smartest business.
So far, the hijacking has come from a former post.
University of Edinburgh.
Yann Seznec in France
The American sound designer used the phone to create a unique instrument.
It is called a "cycle machine" that enables users to load audio files such as drum mode or baseline onto their computer.
These "loops" are then automatically synchronized with each other.
But the smartest part of Seznec's invention is that these samples can be manipulated by moving Wiimote.
The end result is that users can dance with Wiimote in their hands while making music and acting.
You can even record a set of actions and apply the same set of actions to a specific sound.
A new improved version of his cycle machine has just been completed and is now available online for $20.
Download it to your computer and grab your Wiimote and you leave.
So how is all this done?
Surprisingly, these Wii do not use a screwdriverjackers.
All you need is a Wii controller and a computer that can use a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.
The key, explained Seznec, is to convince Wiimote to connect to the computer, not the game console.
Seznec does download some open source software by Japanese software developers called Ya Zhixiu (
Another hero of Wii
Invading the Wii remote-that is, pairing it with a computer-is relatively easy, Seznec said.
The difficulty is to do anything useful with it.
For Loop machines, this means that Seznec writes its own computer programs.
"It is important for the system to use motion in a logical way," he said . " "So when doing some kind of movement-whether it's sliding up or a circle-it produces some kind of sound or effect.
It's hard to do this, but I ended up coming up with a variety of programming tricks.
I put thousands of hours into this project.
"So, what is the ethics of all this?
Will Nintendo crush the Wii?
When the revolution began to make money?
Independent developers often describe themselves as "hackers" and "domestic brewers "(
Because they prefer to make their own shows).
But while disruptive technology is a shame for many ordinary people, there is no indication that what WikiLeaks is doing is illegal.
I'm trying to get Nintendo to comment on the Wii
The hijacking hit a wall of silence.
But Seznec speculated that there might be a manufacturer's computational element in the whole phenomenon.
"Nintendo made it very easy for independent software hackers to use their hardware, and some people suspect that they did so to encourage development.
He noted that the company does not have to use Bluetooth on the console.
Bluetooth is an industry standard, from mobile phones to hi-fi speakers.
This means it's versatile so that the phone can link to the headset, computer and even photo printer at the same time.
Microsoft's own wireless controller uses different systems completely, which is much more difficult for hackers.
Even if Nintendo really wants to use Bluetooth, the company can easily encrypt it.
"They're not idiots," Seznec said . "
"My suspicion is that Nintendo people are sitting in the back and letting people continue to play.
But he said: "My view is that they are relatively neutral. about it].
"Whatever the truth, things are changing in the world of computing and gaming.
There seems to be a desire for "creativity" in technology, which has become possible thanks to rampant ideas --
Through Internet sites and how to exchange
Videos on YouTube
General Li's demonstration-
Tracking on video-
The sharing website has registered more than 4 million hits.
The question now is whether Nintendo and other big companies will start working with independent software developers to leverage their expertise to make new products and applications.
Opening the secret of their hardware will be a good start.
"There is a very specific argument that Nintendo should be more open ,[
Invention created by hackers]
It will add value to their products, "Li said.
These possibilities will certainly arouse the excitement of the computer madman.
"This is absolutely fascinating," Seznec said . ".
"If Nintendo can start pushing indie games, it will provide a whole new environment for the game.
"What your Wii can do for you to control your MacDownload DarwiinRemote, this is a software where you can replace Apple with your Wii controller.
Some have posted their achievements on YouTube.
To download the free software, visit complete vacuuming and you are one of them.
The owner of the 5 million Roomba robot vacuum cleaner?
Then sit down and take care of the housework from your most comfortable chair.
Downloading the necessary software access will cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds to turn your computer into a whiteboard.
This free software allows you to turn any computer monitor or projector into a whiteboard.
Download the software from Johnny/project/wii.
As a music producer, Seznec invented a new instrument.
He wants $20. £10)
For software.
It allows you to load music samples and mix them together by waving the Wii Remote in various modes while you dance.
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