wireless tablet pcs for every cardiff school - touch screen board classroom-ITATOUCH-img

wireless tablet pcs for every cardiff school - touch screen board classroom

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-16
wireless tablet pcs for every cardiff school  -  touch screen board classroom
The school in Cardiff will provide each student with a wireless tablet device so that they can use it in a 3 m program designed to update their teaching.
Touch screen computers will be used for classroom work throughout the course, but parents will also have the opportunity to buy.
Cardiff council says every school in the city will also have high
Speed wireless Internet access.
Installation work will begin during the school summer vacation.
It will continue in the next two academic years.
The committee said the investment would mean "a significant change in the way students are taught throughout the city ".
The council says tablets will be distributed to each school
Primary and secondary schools-
Students use with teachers in class.
It says it does not yet know how much equipment each school will receive, but the plan will be implemented from September.
As part of the program, parents will also have the opportunity to purchase tablets through school.
David Harris, head teacher at Tredegarville Church, Welsh primary school in the city, where wireless networks have been installed, said after exploring new ways to learn with computers, they saw improvements in literacy and arithmetic skills.
"The challenge is to continue to develop more imaginative and innovative ways of delivering statutory courses while maintaining and developing standards of achievement," he added . ".
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