wise, yes. but smart? - smart

by:ITATOUCH     2019-08-19
wise, yes. but smart?  -  smart
The Israeli prime minister showed his wisdom again on Wednesday.
In an angry moment, the man led a country to fight, crying that it was an "inevitable war ", forced to deal with the fact that a full month of military operations in Lebanon have not yielded results.
The IDF has expressed its willingness to undertake any additional tasks required, but the problem is that the prime minister cannot ask them any more-because the entire international community and their brothers are dealing with his case, demand an immediate cessation of violence and bloodshed in cedar land.
But people like Olmert will not be intimidated.
As Olmert, Olmert will find a way through the obstacles.
On Wednesday, a six-hour Cabinet discussion produced the results he wanted: On the one hand, more than a dozen of his Cabinet ministers approved the IDF's long-term operations on the Litani River and elsewhere
On the other hand, the military has been in the mode of "stopping" until a diplomatic solution is found.
Cynics will be bitter and mean to say that this decision embodies the character of the prime minister: the constant publication of lofty statements, but no action has been taken.
But the fact is that in the difficult political and military situation in which he was trapped, Olmert succeeded in achieving good results: he hinted at the confidence of the international community in its ability to achieve Israel's desired goal for Hezbollah, he also maintained the strength of the IDF hammer.
No doubt, sharp.
But as the saying goes: smart people don't get into situations where smart people know how to get rid.
Anyone who knows vice Premier Simon Perez says it's not pleasant to get close to him when he's angry.
He was furious this week. Incensed.
The reason is that residents of northern Israel have been neglected, bombed and trapped in shelters for a month.
"What is this sense of powerlessness?
How can children with disabilities, the elderly and the North not be taken care?
What prevents Israel from providing a solution?
Perez was furious and his burning brain began to look for answers.
"We should arrange a reserve major. Gen.
In every northern city, be responsible for everything that happens in the sanctuary . . . . . . We need to take all the IDF soldiers who are not in the fighting position and have one soldier live in every shelter . . . . . . Their role is to take care of the needs of the people in this sanctuary, from diapers to food.
They also need to report to the appropriate General and sit with the mayor so that citizens in the North will know that someone is taking care of them.
"These are human lives, not games," Perez said angrily . ".
Peres returned from a US public relations trip last weekend, where he launched an American ceasefire proposal, turning his attention to the battered northern Israeli homeland.
It seems that his attempt to create a "city command" is not enough, and he is already considering the restoration of the North and the return of daily life the next morning.
Yesterday, the deputy prime minister convened a meeting of the Council of Ministers of development of Negev and Galilee.
He wants government departments to start working and arrange a lot of money to solve the problem.
Peres seems to be satisfied with the new Middle East, and if not with the new Middle East, at least with the return to normal north.
Not long ago, I was sitting in a restaurant in Paris with an Israeli friend.
According to the usual practice of this restaurant, a French family sits by our side-the parents in their 60 s and a daughter in their 20 s.
Sitting full of delicious food and wine, the father happily waved to us about a previous encounter he had with the IDF.
It turned out that in his 70 s, the man was the export manager of the Middle East Pegeot.
With the help of rubels, who arrived from Moscow, he sold £ 404 from hundreds of Syrian staff.
"One day, the Israeli Phantom sank the ship before meeting about 500 cars in the port of Takiya.
I cursed you at first, but then I laughed.
I realize that Damascus will be happy to pay for 500 new cars as long as Russian funds flow into the Syrian Treasury.
"You Israelites," he said with a smile, "nothing but good for the business of Pegeot.
"I recalled the story at a MK party this week.
A minister sat there, confident in the Israeli government's policy in this conflict, and saw light at the end of the dark Lebanese tunnel.
He is keen to claim that the destruction of Hezbollah rockets will bring us victory and security.
Nasrallah's fundamentalist motive, with the support of the Iranian Ministry of Finance, seems to have disappeared from his vision, which is willing to serve thousands of Zelzals, khaibar and
"Is it possible for the excellent skills of our excellent pilots to really help the Iranian weapons industry at the expense of the safety of Israeli citizens?
We asked carefully.
The minister waved his disdain.
It would be interesting to know how a French arms dealer would respond.
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