your future now: what tomorrows video games may look like - whiteboard and projection screen combi

your future now: what tomorrow's video games may look like - whiteboard and projection screen combined

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-11
your future now: what tomorrow\'s video games may look like  -  whiteboard and projection screen combined
Los angeles-The next generation of games is coming, but what about the next generation?
Sony and Microsoft have launched a new super
Electric console in the coming weeks.
However, at the Game Developers Conference in Los Angeles last week, game makers have begun to consider being outside --the-
Box Innovation--
From wearable controller to lighting living room-
This may follow the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
Here are five big ideas for GDC thinking: While VR headsets seem to be like pagers in the 1990 s, newer technologies have emerged, this may have a significant impact on the way players view the virtual world in the future.
Google Glass, Oculus Rift and CastAR have made it possible for early adopters to see 3D images or projected images in real life ---
No TV screen.
The game has been exploring physically impossible things in the real world, such as instant transfer in the first space --
In the 2D platform game "braids", the character puzzle "portal" or bend the time effortlessly.
"With HD graphics, new controllers and higher fidelity, it is expected that game designers will continue to break through make-Believe in reality.
The success of "Skylanders" and "Disney Infinity" proves that players want to combine the physical world with the virtual world.
The next evolution of the player may be to take advantage of-
Home 3D printing technology.
Imagine scanning an old one.
The Star Wars character of the school, print a new version and send it to a distant virtual galaxy.
The touch screen completely changes the way users interact with the device, but their smooth surface is not always the best game controller.
Technological advances in physical response to touch--
Called "touch of touch"-
Combined with motion detection and augmented reality technology, the interface imagined in Iron Man and Minority will come to life.
As handheld devices become more popular and projection technologies become more popular, interactivity is likely to continue to leap from the TV screen, as demonstrated by Microsoft's IllumiRoom project earlier this year, a conceptual system, combine the projector with the Kinect sensor to enhance the area around the TV screen with dazzling projection visualization.
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