foot soldiers of the ron paul revolution - online drawing board-ITATOUCH-img

foot soldiers of the ron paul revolution - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-10
foot soldiers of the ron paul revolution  -  online drawing board
The late-
Autumn night, full of energy-
From the continuous Santa Ana wind, high
The intense power line overhead, especially in the living room of a ranch house on the west end of the San Gabriel Valley, is packed with crowds.
80 people sit on a row of tight folding chairs with one elbow, and chattering with enthusiasm and ideas.
They make calendars and concerts.
They will reproduce the Boston Tea Party at Santa Monica Pier.
They write to every independent voter in Iowa.
The infantry of the Ron Paul revolution in Pasadena division has just begun.
Texas lawmakers and Republican presidential candidates, who formed their first followers nine months ago, generated more than 1,200 of the Group in Pasadena's "gathering group"-nearly 770 million members across the country.
These fanatic supporters and their freewheeling tactics have helped Paul become the first sensation on the Internet, and now this political season is the most unlikely. A 45-year-
To raise awareness of Paul, old artists and adventurers are cycling from Santa Monica to the Jefferson Memorial in Washington.
A brothel owner in Nevada recently promised to collect something from customers.
A Colorado supporter quickly raised more than $350,000 online this week, planning to launch Ron Paul blimp.
"It's bigger than a person.
"It's bigger than the group," Silver Lake fitness coach and singer Juliet Anino said at a recent gathering of the Pasadena group.
"We are making history now. Right here.
Paulites are often technicians.
Tired of traditional politics, skeptical about the government and the mainstream media.
But after that, they ignored the category.
A quick survey of the Pasadena organization found that followers of Democrats, Republicans, liberals and constitutional parties united in part or all of Paul's libertarian agenda ---
Ending the war in Iraq, abolishing gun control laws, legalizing marijuana, and dismantling large U. S.
In particular, the IRS and the Federal Reserve System.
"I think you can build a case that proves that Ron Paul is part of the tradition of those who are not satisfied with the Iron wrist of the status quo, from Ross Perro to Ralph Nader, then to Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull Moose Party, "said Bruce Buchanan, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin.
"They all have something in common, that is, to get rid of the usual tendency to be cautious and ambiguous.
Although Paul has recently risen to fourth place, national polls and most political analysts are still far from him. with 8%)
In three early surveys in New Hampshire
Before that, his biggest gain was November.
5. when working online (in web-
A "money bomb ")brought in $4.
2 million, one of the largest single-
A day in the history of political fundraising.
For a few months, one
Time obstetrician
On the Internet, gynecologists and Air Force flight surgeons are a growing phenomenon;
His YouTube videos and websiteswww. ronpaul2008. com)
More popular than any other presidential candidate, both Republican and Democratic.
These are all exciting achievements in sports that were not available until January, when some Paul lovers ---
Two of them met while promoting a documentary about the government's failure to search prisoners of war allegedly still held in Southeast Asia ---
Come together in Hollywood
After two days in a comfortable hotel suite, the organizer drew the prototype of Paul's website.
"For people, nothing is going fast enough," said Bill Dumas, who attended the early strategy meeting . ".
"They are very excited and want more ways to participate.
"Especially the Paulists want to organize and meet each other.
Dumas believed it would take too long to create an organization and signed up with the social networking site Meetup. com.
He is setting up the Pasadena group for Ron Paul 2008 and setting up a link on Paul's website to help others start the party group.
"It was quickly bombed," said Dumas, 51 . ".
"People across the country are starting to hold their own parties.
In a recent television appearance, Paul said that even he himself was surprised by the strong reaction.
"We are using this frustration," he said . ".
At the recent Pasadena meeting-
La Canada Flintridge home, international company lawyer Bill Johnson--
Two young people described their plan.
Wrote to 700,000 independent voters in Iowa, urging them to register Republicans and vote for Paul on January. 3 caucuses.
Annerino talked about her two fundraising events on the drawing board. -
"Ron Paul Rock" concert in January.
17 on the 2008 calendar in Hollywood and "Ron Paul's Spice Girl.
Steven Vincent, a 42-year-old yoga teacher, completed a series of short statements about his many initiatives for Paul (
Including a video webcast, he plays every working day from his Studio City living room in ronpaulfreedommessage. com)
With the coup d' état of December: the march.
The anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
Vincent imagines a procession through Santa Monica, with participants holding mock tea crates with labels such as "welfare state" and "IRS. (
The event will be held at the same time as another Paul money bomb, and volunteers hope to raise $10 million online in a day. )
He said the march will continue to the end of the Santa Monica Pier, where the symbol of the government surplus will be thrown into the bay ---
Immediately dispatched to prevent any pollution.
"It will be a great visual event," Vincent told attendees.
Zephyr Teachout, director of Howard Dean's online organization, said: "The rebel movement relies on this creativity to maintain high enthusiasm, and the Vermont governor's Internet fundraising has helped him leap to the forefront of the 2004 Democratic primary.
"If you want people to do more, you have to break that mark --
"Licker paradmagm," says Teachout, meaning volunteers should be allowed to do more besides going out to mail.
Unlike Dean, according to Paul spokesman Kerri Price, Dean has five organizer shepherd meeting groups that have agendas and regular conference calls, and the Paul chapter is "completely fragmented ".
Paul volunteers are proud to set their own rules.
"Authority," said a young man at the beginning of the Pasadena conference, "will never be true.
"Paulites also did not hesitate to criticize the candidate's small professional campaign, as demonstrated last week when many followers attacked fundraising director Jonathan bidraq.
Among other things, protesters called Bydlak an "idiot" and said his request for immediate donations would attract the attention of Tea Party activities.
Given the noisy voices gathered under Paul's tent, it is not surprising at least that there is a little disagreement.
At a recent gathering in La Flintridge, Canada, Paul activists described past votes on candidates such as President Bush and Democratic senators. John F.
John Kerry to Ralph nadpat Buchanan and Ross Pelo
Vincent, a 42-year-old yoga teacher, is not the only one who said he was too disappointed to vote: "What is happening now is a paradigm shift in American politics.
These departments-Democrat-
Conservative Republicansliberal --
Is crashing. . .
Because there is really no difference between the two sides.
"Although Paul's supporters have gained momentum and attention, they still think they are a different group.
They talked openly about how some outsiders saw them. -
Obsession, maybe a bit wordy.
"How many of you are dancing in macarena wearing tin paper hats? " co-
Host don Mooney asked at the beginning of the recent Pasadena conference.
The crowd laughed.
Bryce Shonka quipped that the letter to non-partisan people in Iowa could include the following sentence: "I am an ordinary American.
I'm not an edge. er.
"During the week, most of the 20 Paul followers interviewed accepted the candidate's restrictions --
Government theme.
But others describe Paul as the antidote to what is called a conspiracy, from spraying toxic "chemical traces" in the air to the real source of covering up Sept.
The World Trade Center plans to force the United States to become a single world government.
Columnist Mona charlen recently argued that although Paul did not directly support these theories, he did not do enough to resolve his "conspiracy --minded fans.
"She was one of the many journalists who had been bombarded by email.
After writing the candidate's article critically, the Mail, sometimes angry and profane.
Paul's supporters said in an interview that they do not condone harsh tactics, but some in their camp have become bitter because they say the mainstream media have severely criticized their candidates.
The Poly Group is still firm.
If their candidate does not win the Republican nomination, many are determined to push for the third time.
Although Paul said he did not welcome the party.
They felt they had defeated the conventional wisdom and those who would belittle them.
Vincent summary e-
An email from Gandhi wrote: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. "--james. rainey@latimes.
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