impact of drusen and drusenoid retinal pigmentxa0epithelium elevation size and structure on the inte

impact of drusen and drusenoid retinal pigmentxa0epithelium elevation size and structure on the integrity of the retinal pigment epithelium layer - interactive display

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-07
impact of drusen and drusenoid retinal pigmentxa0epithelium elevation size and structure on the integrity of the retinal pigment epithelium layer  -  interactive display
【Abstract】 objective to evaluate the effect of the size and structure of the glass envelope on the retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE)
And the light-sensitive layer of the early to Medium EYES
Related amd (AMD)
Use Polarization
Sensitive optical coherent tomography (OCT).
Retrospective Survey of design of observational crossSegmentation Research
Early to mid-term AMD patients were involved. Methods Twenty-
5 eyes of 25 derusen patients were polarized
Sensitive examination was performed on October using a retina volume scan.
Each scan was manually graded to obtain six different drusen features as well as the integrity of the covered retinal pigment epithelial and photosensitive layers.
Select the center scan for each druse and its diameter and location for statistical calculation.
Results a total of 5933 individuals were evaluated for their optic nipples, including their adjacent retinal pigment epithelial and photosensitive layers. 41.
3% of all drusen showed complete, covered retinal pigment cells; in 28.
1% the retinal pigment cortex is irregular but continuous. In 30.
6%, the signal of the retinal pigment epithelial cortex above the drusen region is discontinuous.
The level of changes in retinal pigment epithelial cells is significantly correlated with shape (p
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