malaysian official: search for mh370 to continue through may - online drawing board-ITATOUCH-img

malaysian official: search for mh370 to continue through may - online drawing board

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-09
malaysian official: search for mh370 to continue through may  -  online drawing board
Malaysia's transport minister said the search for the wreckage of the MH370 plane that disappeared in Asian waters a year ago will continue until the end of May.
But if nothing came up by then, the effort to understand the fate of the Boeing 777 would "go back to the drawing," he said.
Give a speech on the eve of "one -"
On the first anniversary of the plane's disappearance on March 8, 2014, Liao Tianyong told reporters in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital: "In the end, if we still can't find the plane, then we will have to go back to the drawing board.
"The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with 239 passengers and crew missing, has been the subject of intense speculation and conspiracy theories.
"It's too early to prepare in advance.
The Associated Press quoted Liow as saying, "take anything now," and for months the region has been concentrated in volatile areas of the southern Indian Ocean off Australia's west coast.
"I should be cautiously optimistic about this area," Liow said, according to The Associated Press . ". "[We]
"We need directions, we need plans, we need to review all our data," he said . ".
Liow says 44% of 23,000-square-
The miles search area of the Southern Ocean has been scanned.
So far, he said, 10 hard objects have been found under the sea that have not yet been thoroughly analyzed.
"We are confident that the search will be completed this year and we hope that we will get the plane," Liow said . ".
The head of Malaysia's civil aviation authority says his agency has a hard time resisting this false perception of hidden information.
"It's not a lie, nothing is hidden," the Malaysia Post reported online . ".
"Many people suspect that we have hidden something.
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