A Professional Manufacturer of Smart Interactive Screens For More Than 10 Years
Imagine a poster ad with a micro camera to see if you are a man or a woman --
And make corresponding changes according to your taste. This poster-sized high-
TV screen can change size
Depends on whether you are 2 feet or 20 feet-to pull you in.
There may also be an augmented reality screen next to it, and the image is emitted from the digital projector onto the holographic glass (see picture).
Then you can go through a drop-down list
Down menu on one side of the screen, scroll to different "pages" to explore the brand and send details such as "money"
"Coupon" for your mobile phone or Facebook account ".
At the same time, advertisers can use TV cameras to measure footsteps and "stay time" in one minute"by-
The basis of the minute, so that if the consumer is not attracted to the poster, just tap the button and it can be changed or updated remotely.
Welcome to the futuristic outdoor advertising world presented at the fair at Earls Court this month.
Some ideas for interactive posters have been around for a while --
For example, an advertisement that only appears at certain times of the day, called "day-
Part ", or where you can interact using Bluetooth phone technology.
There is no doubt that not all the latest innovations will be popular when they go public.
But it's still a fascinating glimpse of what could happen with outdoor advertising.
The concept is simple: in the modern media world, it is more difficult than ever to reach consumers with traditional advertising.
These interactive screens are designed to attract attention.
Catch, engage and local.
Another benefit of outdoor advertising companies is that they can save money because digital maintenance can be done remotely and on a large scale --
Do not have to change each traditional poster manually.
Both computer makers Intel and software giant Microsoft are looking to make a profit in the digital signage market, which is estimated to be worth about $3. 5 billion (£2. 4 billion)
Over the next three years, the world will grow by $1 billion a year.
Until recently, neither Intel nor Microsoft has been involved in this field, a fact that shows that technology companies --
And advertisers. see potential.
Experts talk about "screen Bloom ".
As the cost goes down, we see high
Definition of numbersposter sites.
Jose Avalos, Intel Digital Signage director, believes that there are obvious benefits to digital investment: "for large retail brands, there is a high risk when they conduct large-scale advertising.
Creative content may or may not be accessible to the right audience and may not work, which may be a waste of money.
But the creative elements are actually quite cheap.
With digital, you can try five different things.
Multiple Creative Content
Test it very quickly to see if it works.
"Intel has launched a micro-TV camera at the top of some poster screens to help advertisers monitor who is watching them.
Avalos insists that all information is collected anonymously.
Face recognition is not used by Powered software.
What the camera does is to identify gender, age, and number of viewers (
Judging by eye count)
Who is looking at the screen at all times, and the length of time they look at the screen.
According to Avalos, digital screens can significantly increase the number of views and "stay time", and some studies have shown that sales can grow by 50%.
On this basis, it's also easy for advertisers to delete ads that don't work
In theory, in a few seconds
YCD Multimedia, chief technology officer of Dani Zeevi, shows a month of similar technology-foot-
Earls Court's wide digital poster site, with a range of small hd TV interactive screens, can be linked together or used separately by different consumers at the same time.
"You can actually measure the effectiveness of the campaign in every frame," Zeevi said . " His screen was used by Bobbi Brown, a cosmetics company at Bloomingdale department store in New York.
"We know it's working, we know [the product]
Features on screen]
Out of stock.
"Other tourist centers such as shopping malls, restaurants, airports and subways are all considered possible locations for these outdoor screens.
Clearly, the risk of vandalism makes them impractical in some public places. So look out.
Ads may be watching you.