does the internet make you dumb? - smart board activities for kindergarten

by:ITATOUCH     2020-06-16
does the internet make you dumb?  -  smart board activities for kindergarten
A senior neuroscientist in Germany said spending too much time on the Internet would hurt learning because everything a person does would leave traces in his brain. Dr.
Manfred Spitzer knows that his arguments are considered provocative.
In his first book, he warned parents that it was very dangerous to have their children spend too much time on TV.
In the second book [
Digital Dementia
He told them to teach children to use their fingers.
For them, counting games are much better than letting them count.
Spitzer, 54, may be a member of the slide.
Remember that the rules of multiplication tables are generated, but his work as a neuropsychiatrist shows that when young children spend too much time using computers, their brain development is affected and defects are irreversible, in the future life can not make up.
The Korean doctor was the first to describe the phenomenon and named it "digital dementia"-the title of Spitzer's book.
To put it simply, information can be summed up like this: The Internet makes you stupid.
This is of course a message that makes everyone who feels completely comfortable in the digital world angry.
After Spitzer's book was published, they quickly vented their anger around Germany.
However, Spitzer has accumulated a wealth of scientific information, laying a solid foundation for his paper, and the research and data he uses provide enough space for consternation.
According to his research, many young people today use more than one medium at a time: they call while playing computer games or writing emailsmails.
This means that some of them are packing their bags.
The media usage time of 5 hours per day is 6 hours. 5 hours.
Multitasking like this comes at the expense of concentration-as has been confirmed by American researchers experiments.
For Spitzer, these results only mean one thing: "multitasking is not something we should encourage in the coming generations.
"Because a person does leave a mark.
When development is the best, in the first few months and years of life, the memory link is formed and established, and this structure lays a basic foundation for everything else we learn.
Scientists say this is to adapt to the new challenges of "neuroplasticity.
"This is one of the reasons for the success of human species evolution.
Spitzer also sees it as a source of current dangers.
When drivers are completely dependent on their navigation technology, they do not develop their own positioning capabilities, and of course, the brain provides them with the possibility to learn how to locate.
The same applies to kids who use electronic style on smart boards instead of learning how to write ---
The brain is under control.
Spitzer believes that because computers take over many classrooms and other functions that are actually good practices for children, "This will inevitably have a negative impact . ".
He said there has been no independent research so far "clearly proving that computers and screens in the classroom make learning more effective," Spitzer even suggested banning digital media from entering the classroom.
He wrote: "In fact, using digital media in kindergarten or primary school is actually a way to make a child addicted.
"For a generation that takes computers and the Internet for granted, it's a powerful thing that they use as a source of information and as a space to communicate through social networks ---
Who likes to do so.
The Internet has become the fourth cultural technology after reading, writing and arithmetic.
Spitzer quoted John Heinrich pescelozzi, a Swiss educator and education innovator. 1746-1827)
The process of learning involves the heart, the brain and the hand, he wrote.
He thinks it would be better if the kids learn finger games to help them deal with numbers instead of relying on computers.
In a country where such a major resource is smart people and innovative ideas, perhaps we should take Spitzer's warning more seriously.
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